Posts for June 3, 2019 (page 2)


How you hated Guns n’Roses

Remember when you
said that thing about
Axel Rose and heroin and how
junkies shit themselves?

I thought it was funny
because I did not understand.
I was eleven
and you just threw

the baseball cards I never
even fucking wanted
out the window, past
the church we both hated.

And you called me a faggot
like that was a bad thing, 
even after I trapped
a local girl
in the closet
where you
thought I lived.


Handle Scandal

She trusts the screen door.

“Keep them out,” she says.

Push away those
who ask 
for what can only be given once.

Handcuff the narcissists
as their entitlement
follows them to the front door.

Crush the lovers
who have been granted
one too many times to “love”.

“Keep them out,” she says,
as her knuckles turn white with a grasp on the
door handle.  


Sunrise, Sunset

7. I don’t want to leave this sunny yolk
8. fuzzy brained and late like clockwork which should work for being on time too but doesn’t
9. already slumped, coffee fouled mouth
10. behind behind behind, I swear the AC numbs my hands and feet and makes it hard to type
11. I have no new ideas but I must come up with 26 today
12. not hungry but grazing on salt heavy things I’ll regret and not savor
1. mixing keyboard shortcuts with glimpses into my phone, out the window
2. I’m the most restless person here but still feel stiff
3. gonna be late, scratching fucking bug bites  
4. I don’t mean to sigh this much, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t relieve a little bit of pressure
5. now I will start counting backwards from 10, increments of 6 minutes
6. the heat in my car hits and I jump like I did as a child, chilled from the pool before getting in the backseat
7. a few syrupy hours of no commitments, matrix revolutions
8. frozen turkey corndog, cool ranch doritos, blueberry salad
9. walking to the grocery store in the dark, slipping between cars and startling the lazarus lizards
10. lying on my back with the ceiling fan humming, I promise myself I’m not trapped
11. I’m not, I won’t be 28 days from now and I’ll make my bittersweet symphony grand exit from the office
12. Milkman could fly, and that rule applies to me too


Vigil for the Sun

Vigil for the Sun:
Whispers whisk his mind away
While we hold his lands
n place.



(written after some reading about the threat to honey bee populations caused by the wasteful, environmentally dangerous activity of, guess who, AMERICANS. Surprise. Surprise. Yesterday I saw a copy of the end of a speech that President John F. Kennedy would have given that evening if he had not been assassinated during the day on November 22nd 1963. About honor, country, decency to all citizens of the world in our nation’s actions. A man with a spine. A hero (PT 109). And I considered what you, me, us have let this country come to.)

little bee where have you
got to now?
drones dying off in droves
choked dry decay of crunchy dust
swept under carpets on the wind.
brittle wings, chetin and
filament thin cracked legs and joints.

Our men need plastic tools and gas
To drive their cars and scratch their ass
Women need lip gloss sticks to be complete

stricken bee stop bothering
the world’s course
with your sadness.
europeans shaking heads,
whispering what science says
against AMERICA.
You stirred the pot. It’s not your place.
They’re laughing at AMERICANS.

feckless little stricken bee
stop praying on your rosary
that wasn’t what God wanted

I know because he made me free
To harvest you and suck the love and work
You do
As pleases me.

Rednecks shooting birds on wires
Blue mountain folk and cowboy fools
Corporate politician whores in suits
Droning to inbred gaping mouths
And funny hats about shitkicker roots
All obsessed with strife, lies and desire
Do not deserve the worry
That your plight imparts
Make it into a retard joke or obfuscation
Depending on which AMERICAN in which attire
Is getting his say while scratching his ass that day
Ignoring the ticking-clock of warning fires

the Buddhist monks who meditate
the tree huggers who agitate
They shackle me. They shackle great AMERICA.

pernicious bee who’s way to live
spreads life and beauty. smiles and gives.
whose rule is to do the right thing for the many,
losing self.

perditious, socialist, Communist bee
AMERICA’S wants outweigh your love
Economies that kill all life
So pride can take more than it needs
Indiscriminately. AMERICA.

evil bee, who championed you?
what traitor to AMERICA?
the story that your death can tell
will never settle in the breasts
of all the cruel AMERICANS,
who find it shameful that you rest.


On Dealing with Orcs

a creature crossed my path today
bluish, warty skin
weapon aloft
to take on the world

he’s seen many battles
heard foe against foe
long hours of debating
over coffee and snacks

I’m sure this wasn’t
what he signed up for
strong warrior, made for conquering
not battling dust bunnies

he’d kill us all, if only
he could get past
the empty dice cube
he’s stuck in on my shelf

– – –
On finding an old, hand painted orc miniature from gaming after watching an episode of Critical Role. If you get a chance, watch Matt Mercer lead Stephen Colbert through a short adventure benefitting the Red Nose Day campaign. It’s brilliant.



As a boy, I collected baseball cards,
Buying them in packs with flat, card-sized bubblegum,
Trading them with other boys in the neighborhood.

I should have been Cincinnati Reds fan,
But I really liked the Milwaukee Braves,
With Hank Aaron, Wes Covington, Ed Mathews, Lou Burdette. . .

I wanted to play Major League Baseball when I grew up,
Didn’t get much encouragement from my parents,
Oh, well, I probably wouldn’t have even made it in the Minors.

My baseball cards, along with my comic books, ended up in the attic,
As I headed off to college my freshman year,
Returning to find that my parents had gotten rid of them all:  Hank, Wes, Ed, Lou, Superman, Archie, G.I. Joe. . .

Oh, well, I hope somebody made some money off of them.



She is Wine
Full of flavor and full of body
sips ?
Good luck with that  
You won’t stop after the first glass
Somewhere between Strawberry and blackberry
Lips sweet red 
Tongue Cabernet Sauvignon
She thinks like Merlot 
Loves like Pinot Noir
Let her set and open up 
Let her warm up to Room temperature 
If you can handle her..
Just remember the bottle runs out


Enlightenment and Entreaties from God (with Titles of Recently Played Songs on my Spotify)

The truth hurts, mi gente.
The freedom they sell you isn’t free;
one way or another they always say,
“Bitch—better have my money.”
They tell you to dance, prove
your fitness, get in formation.
They demand your bodies and sacrifice.
They fear your blood (or ignore it)
and paint over your pain in thick
wet layers of white ‘til it
becomes invisible.  
By this time, you’ve let ‘em say
everything they wanted to
for thousands of years.
Try to understand that
without me, you wouldn’t know
you had elastic hearts.
You would still think
you were shallow every time 
you had love on the brain
You would always believe
you were bad girls.
You needed me to remind you
that you are not. 
You are the seven rings of Saturn,
you are land and skies and sea.
You are the bodies and
voices of worship,
you are clean water,
sweet juice, you are
good as hell.
Suddenly, recently,
they’ve started thinking
to themselves, “Maybe
god is a woman.”
For the first time
in many times,
they are right.
God is a woman and 
this is what she has to say:
Stay. Don’t worry,
be slow and steady.
We are soulmates.
Stay with me, and
we will be
the ones who
run the world

Truth Hurts – Lizzo
Mi Gente (feat. Beyoncé) – J Balvin, Willy Williams, Beyoncé 
Freedom – Beyoncé (feat. Kendrick Lamar)
Bitch Better Have My Money – Rihanna
Fitness – Lizzo
Formation – Beyoncé 
Let ‘Em Say – Lizzo
Try – Pink
Without Me – Halsey
Elastic Heart – Sia
Shallow – Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper
Love on the Brain – Rihanna
Bad Girls – M.I.A.
Needed Me – Rihanna 
7 Rings – Ariana Grande
Worship – Lizzo
Water – Jack Garratt
Juice – Lizzo 
Good as Hell – Lizzo 
God is a Woman – Ariana Grande 
Stay – Rihanna, Mikky Ekko 
Worry – Jack Garratt 
Soulmate – Lizzo
Stay With Me – Sam Smith
Run the World (Girls) – Beyoncé 

 *inspiration also drawn from  “Poem, made up of titles of several recently acquired poetry books” by Katerina Stoykova and “God Boy Falls in Love” by Christopher  McCurry)


The Prism Analogies

spectral scattering, bend

Analogy of
metaphors, mirrors reflect
equivalent lines

evolutionary frame 
genetic fraction

Double Exposure with the FujiFilm XT-3