(written after some reading about the threat to honey bee populations caused by the wasteful, environmentally dangerous activity of, guess who, AMERICANS. Surprise. Surprise. Yesterday I saw a copy of the end of a speech that President John F. Kennedy would have given that evening if he had not been assassinated during the day on November 22nd 1963. About honor, country, decency to all citizens of the world in our nation’s actions. A man with a spine. A hero (PT 109). And I considered what you, me, us have let this country come to.)

little bee where have you
got to now?
drones dying off in droves
choked dry decay of crunchy dust
swept under carpets on the wind.
brittle wings, chetin and
filament thin cracked legs and joints.

Our men need plastic tools and gas
To drive their cars and scratch their ass
Women need lip gloss sticks to be complete

stricken bee stop bothering
the world’s course
with your sadness.
europeans shaking heads,
whispering what science says
against AMERICA.
You stirred the pot. It’s not your place.
They’re laughing at AMERICANS.

feckless little stricken bee
stop praying on your rosary
that wasn’t what God wanted

I know because he made me free
To harvest you and suck the love and work
You do
As pleases me.

Rednecks shooting birds on wires
Blue mountain folk and cowboy fools
Corporate politician whores in suits
Droning to inbred gaping mouths
And funny hats about shitkicker roots
All obsessed with strife, lies and desire
Do not deserve the worry
That your plight imparts
Make it into a retard joke or obfuscation
Depending on which AMERICAN in which attire
Is getting his say while scratching his ass that day
Ignoring the ticking-clock of warning fires

the Buddhist monks who meditate
the tree huggers who agitate
They shackle me. They shackle great AMERICA.

pernicious bee who’s way to live
spreads life and beauty. smiles and gives.
whose rule is to do the right thing for the many,
losing self.

perditious, socialist, Communist bee
AMERICA’S wants outweigh your love
Economies that kill all life
So pride can take more than it needs
Indiscriminately. AMERICA.

evil bee, who championed you?
what traitor to AMERICA?
the story that your death can tell
will never settle in the breasts
of all the cruel AMERICANS,
who find it shameful that you rest.