Posts for June 12, 2019 (page 3)


A Rainbow in the Sky

There was a rainbow in the sky today
a pleasant surprise 
(as some might say)
that broke up all the grey

It didn’t last long
a minute- no more
but it caught my eye
and held it 

The simple thought of you
caused me to look away
wishing for your presence

And when I looked to the sky
to see it once more
like you
the rainbow
was gone


To Do List

Open the door. Group chat with the girls.
Fix the leak coming from the busted wall.

Sound of music: flex spending money
from insurance and two week cash advance.

Lunch break. The rainclouds doming
over the weekend. Check email. 

Phone’s broke. The password, forgotten.
Wait for the evening, net-muggy. Plan.


night out

this is what i imagine–
delirious, we’ll drink up the disco lights
dance entangled with smoke and mirrors
dirt and disenchantment, forgetting
familiar lips, the words of a song
solidifying in our soles, a togetherness
tethered to a single night


Watching Windows

Watching Windows
Magnolia, the dark
Consistent perfumes that bled
When I first saw you


You, with your hair

the color of a fox in winter, the darkened woods outside your door alive with owls and ravens, you make the townsfolk nervous when you come to market, talking to the cat perched on your shoulder as you shop for herbs and roots they think will turn their sons to frogs or their husbands to rodents, leaving me to be your one enchanted love. Their caution is my gain.


Grief, you bitch

You have sucker punched me in the gut
and choked me with my own tears.
You have straddled my chest in the middle of the night
to squeeze the breath from my lungs.
You have dragged me to dark places,
to the dirt-rimmed lip of the grave,
forced my head down
and filled my eyes with

And still, you aren’t done.

Like Grendel’s mother,
you are raging toward me now. 
No one can stand watch with me.
Time is no ally.
I am defenseless
waiting for your wrath to return.


Feline Fur Line

First there was Tiger Tom,
brought home by dad,
suckered in by eating fish scraps
off the boat.
Sophie his mate
(the neighbor Pat’s cat)
gifted us numerous liters
inside the barn.
Tiny and Tigger,
Cutie Pie & Uggie (Ugly)
spawn of spawn,
endless lineage.
College cats
one with no name,
jumped from a car window
on a journey back home.
He was okay,
taken in by Christians 
coming out of church.
Then my dear Pixie,
who chose my lap 
at the shelter,
destined for home.
Phobe was my man’s.
She lasted 20 years 
to be flattened 1 day.
The grey one was Monkey,
Mr. Man, or Monk, who
ran sideways, tail curled.
Nya de Kitty, rescued from hell
pees in odd places,
yowls if disturbed.
Finally Mordecai, 
so civilized
he drinks from a glass,
yet mischievous, demoted, 
out on his furry ass.



I have stood in the sun
on a hot summer day
and thirsted for 
a drink of water,
though I never
stopped to wonder
what the water
thirsts for,
certainly not
a drink of me.


The Great Recession

Compulsively I make trays of ice,
keep piling the clouded cubes
into a freezer bin until there are hundreds.
To me they are welcoming & approachable,
suggest a blizzard of plenty like when late
cherry blossoms scatter & carpet
the city park. Every time I open
the freezer I’m ice-rich. It’s a certain
kind of greed. My husband asks why
I’m hoarding ice & I can’t answer. Clearly
I am indulgent & it’s only getting worse.

I’m up again tonight to covet the chilly
squares. I stir them with my cold, blue hands.


Workplace Crush

Pass you in the break room
pass you in the hall,
there’s not a time we cross paths
that I don’t know your there.
Lovely and so sweet
you get my heart to yearning,
though I try to keep my eyes ahead
a glance cannot be helped.

But my problem is the setting
and the life that’s left me here.
A mentality of success
is too powerful a drive.
My mind is a one track
that cannot help assuming
others are just like me
so I best not be a distraction.

It’s not that I don’t want to talk,
I just can’t talk to you
for the focus I know will not break
even when I’m trying not to care.
I detest ideas of missing you
because the job has crushed us
but when the job becomes your sole success,
you become the job.

Anywhere else we might have been friends
talking without responibility’s nag,
or you’d be a face I long for once
from the confines of obscurity.
As of now, you’re an every day sight
in the break room, in the hall
where we pass each other in silence,
broken by the world that brought us together.