Posts for June 23, 2019 (page 3)


Ode to Succulents

Fastidious and withstanding,
You are fragile but robust.

You are lush, pulpy, tender, ripe.
In the blink of an eye you can turn
shriveled, dry.

To the outside world you appear so strong.
As if you don’t thirst for as much water.
In reality if not showered you fade away.

One of your best qualities;
Looking as if you are on the brink of death, 
Out of nowhere you can rise Like a Phoenix, 
Resurrected with the utmost depth.


Suminagashi: The Print

Erratic ink bends
replication unlikely

Life in blurring lines
water kissed washi drips art
while pulling wet prints

Art can be found here


Hot Humid Kentucky Days Demand Ice-Cream 



Nolin rural electric annual meeting 

on the day we sign up for the river farm,

mr. man covets the free bucket & two light bulbs.

A hot day, we still wear our unchecked tick clothes 

from the woods. We arrive early. 

Though the ice-cream is $4 per cup, 

too expensive he says, it’s for the local 4-h, I say, 

he worries over flavor, strawberry or butter pecan. 

I want butter pecan and he want strawberry. 

How about half and half he says, 

and I think he means to split the cup. 

He comes back with two cups

each half and half. 


Used Goods

A gently used shirt 

tucked away between a cardigan and a J-Crew sweater 

it hangs there, eagerly awaiting my touch. 

It is the unsung hero of the rack, not taking up too much room but still being visible 

not even being sold with the color of the week tag sticking out 

as I graze my hand on the hanger


and push it to the side. 



My church is in the hollow
where sunlight filters through
the canopy like beacons
highlighting leaves and bugs
and mushrooms. And where
birdcalls sing the chorus and
fill my heart with hallelujah.
Or on the ridge top where the
wind tickles my face and brushes
through my hair and I feel like I’m
top of the world looking at the
horizon of cascading hills.
It’s peace and reflection and
connection to my deepest primal
urges – knowing true sin is hiding
who you are and hating those who
are honest about themselves.


Bichon Blitz

A slow-motion collision
White fur frothing against the yellowed wall
The stale echos of the doorbell 
signal the delivery man is gone


Have You Gone to Church Today?

Imagine if
the Parable of the Prodigal Son
ended with the father
not caring at all.
Like the poor boy
finally recognizes
his spirit is dying
and goes through all this effort
to reclaim
a better life
and instead of seeing his father
waiting in the fields
and running to the him,
he finds him in the doorway
looking down, saying
Oh. It’s you.

Yeah, prayer feels like that sometimes,
but still we pray on.


When we were at war

I think of you sometimes
When you were away at war
Before whatever happened 
That took some of your hearing 
That you have never mentioned
But I know

I think of you in a tent
Under a hot sky
With the helmet that saved your life
And the Bible that saved your soul

And I wish
I had written to you
Despite the thing between us
That took you far from me
Before you even left your native ground.


I Cannot Fix It, But I Can Weep

If only we could all take a turn
spending a week or two or ten in a cage under those harsh fluorescent lights
300 million of us willing prisoners to give a toddler a chance to grow up with her mother
This seems like something Jesus would have done
Jesus, the only person of color in my christian education
Jesus, the refugee, migrant, dissident
But I am not a holy person
I am the woman who felt a small rush of power as I roughly dragged my screaming child out of the car and into the house this afternoon
I am the woman who gives the sad face emoji to news stories
I don’t read
because I cannot absorb any more suffering
I am the woman who daydreams about getting on a bus headed south
joining the protests and workers, offering real tangible help
Even though I cannot summon the energy
to fully care for my own family, let alone our neighbors
I am ashamed to claim titles like “compassion fatigue”
because I’m not sure if it’s true – if I really am worn through
or just pitifully out of practice, selfish to my core
Just after Trump was elected I heard Dan Rather say
that we are not supposed to be able to bear the weight of all of this
That democracy – constitutional protections, a free press, honorable elected officials – was created to carry the load
so that we could live our lives, so our communities could flourish
But we have chipped away at those systems
and the corporations became legal “persons”
and now they profit off putting people in cages, a bottom line that doesn’t include soap or toothpaste
Because an algorithm cannot distinguish between a person and a bot
as it conducts experiments of capitalism where suffering = profit
Maybe our first, most important act of rebellion is to do what IT cannot
to feel it
all of it
and weep


This Could Have Been an Email

Good Morning everyone

Thank you for meeting so early

I know you have lives but

This is important


Do we want meaningless shit option A?

Or meaningless shit option B?


-Karen- What about meaningless shit option C?


Karen try to stay on topic.

We all love your outside the box thinking


-Dave- No we don’t.


Dave please don’t start.

Karen we truly value your opinion

Now, back to task….


Meaningless shit Option A has little to no impact on your job performance, outward appearance, or standing within the community whatsoever.

It will however require 3-6 more hours of your time per week.


Meaningless shit option B however, will have greater impact on your overall work dissatisfaction, costs double, and will take away from the precious few life hours you have remaining.

This is the way we’re leaning…


So can we put it to a vote?

Yes, Karen…


-Karen- What about a hybrid option of meaningless shit option A and meaningless shit option B?


Oh damn?!


I like where your heads at!

Guys this is what we need to be doing more of. Everyone take a good look at Karen. THIS is EXACTLY what we want!


-Dave- Can I say something?


Is it gonna be nice?


-Dave- Never mind.


Ok, everyone!


Now that we have all this figured out, let’s regroup this afternoon to discuss some more meaningless shit that tears down THIS meaningless shit and starts us over at square one.


-Dave- I have an appointment in Hell that I really can’t miss.


Ok, Karen, can you take notes for Dave…?