Posts for June 12, 2020 (page 5)


Minus the Loss

The raccoon was in the pool when we were called.
Which way will the narrative go? I can tell you this:
the raccoon wasn’t swimming. Having fallen from
a trap its body had agitated off the neighbor’s roof,
the raccoon was dead—drowned in an above-ground
pool. A landing unlike those in firefighter shows
in which the ones who are threatened abscond
from the threat that holds them like a prize no one
should take away, jumping from a window
onto an inflatable pad. You’ve thought it, surely: well,
that looks fun. Minus the loss, of course. Minus char.
The raccoon already stunk when we were called,
the neighbor having pulled it from the pool, unsure
of what to do next. As with most things, this could
have been a different story: we could be bringing
the raccoon tiki drinks, stretching out to reach it
afloat toward the middle of the pool, almost falling in
in our efforts and thus causing the raccoon to chatter,
which we’d interpret as a laugh, and even though
a laugh at us, at our “expense,” we’d be unbothered,
given the absurdity of the scene and the charm of
the raccoon, now twirling the tiki drink’s umbrella—
because there has to be an umbrella—and smacking
the water’s surface, chanting, “Make it rain, make it rain.”


The News

I scan the headlines,
pause, reflect.
Can I tolerate reading more:
George Floyd, the virus,
political games, voter fraud?
But can I afford
to ignore
the lives denied,
the daily decisions made
by the brave
to raise us 
to a higher level?

I sit in my privileged space,
safe, humbled.


I’ve Just Seen a Ghost

And yet, 
in the face of everything,
I feel nothing—

What horror. What privilege


the least of these

before supper
my sister in law blotted up pissants
by the sink with a wet paper towel
and my head swam in horror
because when I wash my dishes
before I fill the sink
I run the thinnest slip of water
down an edge of the basin
and cued by the water’s vibration
the ants begin to line up
and march across plates and knives
along the lips of cups
up and then across the divider
following orders not meant for my blunted senses
disappearing through the counter’s seam 
then I rescue the drifters
stranded on tine of a fork
or the rim of a bowl
the least of these


Animal Magick

My new beau whistled
a movement
as we passed the songbirds in the bushes:

by way of apology,
he explained
“that’s the Snow White in me.”


Small Is Beautiful

Running across
a railway overpass
in full sun,
I startled a mouse.

With no hesitation,
he took a hard right
and ran top speed off
the side of the bridge,

clearing it by two feet,
plunked on the tracks,
and, slightly shocked,
walked away.


Yellow Neon Synapse

Yellow Neon Synapse  
yellow neon shoes
bring attitude
to the street walking
man’s pedal extremities
he strides with pride
has spring in his steps
walks with purpose
his forward moving feet
take me back in time
to kinky toe sucking
sweet    erotic  
at 15 a brand-new feeling
at 65 toes tongued once
in my lifetime 
a memory…
still alive      won’t die     worth keeping      


My Own Personal Walden Pond

I’ve run at breakneck speed
all my life
to not be my parents.
Maybe I can stop now
and walk.

All my life I’ve filled my head
so as not to be empty.
Maybe now I can let be.
I love smelling soup
on my fingers.

I’ve been given permission
to return to an old way of being,
stay home, live simply.
What a relief not to be driven to excess.

If we are at end times,
maybe I can breathe deep
be filled with grace.



Life is full of ups and downs,
Twists and turns,
Peaks and valleys,
Happiness and pain, 
You’ll spend much of your time in those vallies,
But if you just keep looking skyward,
Towards those peaks,
The valliy of despair becomes less deep,
And the happiness of the peak is in reach


Loaves and Fishes in Reverse

I order chicken because it’s cheaper.
They say all they have is mixed fish.
I ask for a medley of marlin and tuna.
They say “How about cod?”  
They hand me two bills,
one higher than the other.                 
                                                I complain. 
They explain I’ll be charged only once
and look at me like I’m stupid to not
                       I think I won’t know if they’re
telling the truth until my credit card statement
arrives and by then this shop may be gone.                        

                       They smile.     
            I leave and later realize            
            they never gave me the fish.