Posts for June 20, 2021 (page 2)


Forever with You

Pouring rain, the clock struck midnight

She giggled, throwing her arms around him

Laying kisses on each other one after another

Standing under the garage roof she stated,

“I wanna kiss you in the rain but I don’t have shoes on”

With no hesitation he picked her up,

Walked out from under the roof

And kissed her in the rain,

Like they were straight out of a fairytale

She smiled and looked to the sky,

“This is why I want forever with you”


39 Years After My Mother’s Death, I Dreamed

the airline lost my big red suitcase
all my clothes were in it
I was frantic
so I called my mother on her cell
I was excited
when she answered
I knew she was dressed in her pink-checked pants suit
the one she often wore when she played
with my then-three-year-old
I knew she’d help me find my suitcase
“Your small red bag,” she laughed
“It fit right into a space in the trunk!” 
and I laughed with her


A long way away

I lay in the deserted dark

of my living room
sweating, aching
hands pressed tight to the cool wood floor
I listen to the night sounds above
my family settling
and they are miles,
worlds away
deserts, mountains, borderlands
between us
that I don’t know how to cross.



I’m usually the one that says goodbye,
not the one that hears it.
But today I stood alone and
watched as everything I knew
walked into the distance.

The weather seemed appropriate-
switching between sunny and cloudy,
almost as if unsure how it wanted to feel.

It settled somewhere in between,
knowing what it was leaving behind,
but also knowing what it was gaining.

And I find myself not focusing 
on who has said goodbye,
but those who have said


Soothing Disobedience 

Work out the stories that teach 

you how to exist.   Soon.

This is your one life—

never to be lived by anyone else,

never to be repeated even by the self.

You’re old enough to know soon

is now, your story one-off.

Look at all the times you learned the rules

then broke them across your lap—

tenderness in your palms,

a prayer ready for every poem 

and every tremulous storm.  

Allow yourself to make sense of it all.

Your story.  All that life  and still more. 


I want out of this closet

I want out of this fucking closet.

Another opportunity passes me by

because I’m not free to be myself.

Because I’m torn between genders.

And I’m so protective

of my female self.

I don’t want to give her to the world.

Lady Valor told me

it’s okay to be comfortable

inside the closet.

But I’m uncomfortable

in this false skin

I wear to please others.

I want to rip away the mask

and be called by my true name.

I’m tired of feeling invisible

and unbeautiful.

And everything I want

(to write, to be published, to perform, to date)

comes with that ugly hook

of being seen.

I want to scream

all these poems

and stories

about a trans girl aching for freedom,

about a bi-gender girl wanting

to be loved.

I want to stop writing safe

and lying about

what I’m working on.

By the time

all the people

whose disapproval I fear

pass away,

it will be too late to live my life.

I find freedom

in nights and weekends

and the safety of friends’ homes.

I take deep breaths in stolen moments.

I wear what feels right

when no one is watching.

I live a hidden life.

And I envy others

who have the things I want.

All the treasures

on the other side

of a price I’m not willing to pay.


Things I Left in the Woods

I lost a silver rose
earring in the woods
once while hiking.

Another time,
I left a favorite bottle
on a rock somewhere,

forgotten a sweatshirt
on a tree limb and
even dropped a glove.

More significantly,
I shed my dread, anxiety,
and worry along the cliffs,

but I always come back with
hope, and sometimes hope
is all we have.

We carry it with us
in our pocket
like a lucky stone

rub circles along it
with our fingers
at early dawn

Keep it with us
near our heart
and pull it out

through long hours
through daily drudgery
through turbulent moments

and over mountains.


one drug at a time

doctors forget about our souls
they treat us like machines
oil our parts
with little white pills
we often take without question
from the people we expect to have the answers
but often times they are just bandaids
not long term solutions
when we ask questions
they often answer with knowledge they don’t have
quoting their own experience
rather than statistics
so we do our own research
spend time we don’t have
to make sure these tablets we’re taking
won’t do damage to the systems in our bodies
that are already failing us
we’re not specimens waiting to be examined
in a petri dish of lab results
we’re people with souls
that need to be revitalized not just with
mango flavored electrolyte powder every four hours
but with the sun
and with the people we love
and there’s no space for that in the perfect pie charts
of the system meant to fix us
one drug at a time


June Sunrise

but anticipated
the sun peeks
through my window

until it
disappears like
youth above

the roof, over
outside, leaving the
and the mystery I hold
secretly about you, behind.



vote me off the ranch
douse the torch
survival in this heat
seems impossible if not
dry heat
they say
two more ninety fives
a ninety one
then eighties  ready
for eighties today

hunker down two
more days  can do
two more days
can hunker down
two more days