Posts for June 23, 2021 (page 3)


Society’s Stress

Cars are made to be driven

Food is made to be eaten

Clothes are made to be worn

And we are made to live


The world is crazy and complicated

We spend too much time

Thinking about materialistic things

We can’t help it

We don’t know any different

Unless we are taught that way


We worry about how much money we spend

And we either eat too much or too little

Or only wear a shirt once or twice


Take a break from all of it

You deserve it

Let your worry fade away

You have enough stress

Don’t let other things cause you more,

Don’t cause yourself more.


THE Ohio State Joke

I always admired
THE Ohio State University
For making it popular
To put emphasis on the most
Nondescript word possible
Although it’s somehow not even
The least interesting word in its own title
Random Ohio slam for no good reason



It’s like touching glass,
fingertips skittering

cold, hard.
I can see the streaks I’ve left behind
but I haven’t reached anything,
just the window frame
and so I turn my wrist
and trail the surface again,
making abstract patterns
a kind of stained glass
but it isn’t beautiful
and the glass hasn’t even warmed.
I turn my wrist
and do it again.



How can I properly articulate insanity?
The immensity of every misunderstanding. 
How strange it is to eat something, 
To see people dinning together and wonder about their depravity. 

To gaze at yourself and see a blank slate,
Nerve endings bound together to form a mannequin. 
To see that same blank slate,
In every single encounter with a stranger. 

So complicated, the various emotions;
Experiencing them does not give way to understanding. 
Intrusive thoughts swarm the brain,
And become verbalized, obvious character flaws. 

What a shame it is, to be called inteligente;
But to have no understanding of change over time. 
Every thought starts off with strict rhyme schemes, 
Yet that falls apart when faced with affinity. 


Dreaming In The Want Ads

Olympus Mons groundskeeper
in person



Dreams and Decisions

Young Tom, scrambling for food on the streets of London
while dodging his father’s drunken fist
and trying in vain to protect his mum,
longs for wealth, respect, and power.  

Wealth seems like respect
and power equals freedom
when Tom dreams at night…  

Pampered and tutored for the future, the shielded
Son of the King, dining on roast and oysters
and returning to everlasting duty,
longs for leisure, sport, and adventure.  

Leisure seems like playtime
and adventure equals freedom
when the Prince dreams at night…  

wealth or poverty? power or helplessness?
adventure or duty or respect or leisure?
The hand of fate is kind or cruel
but we’re blind to the making of decisions.  

Freedom is power until it isn’t.
Power is adventure until you’re lost.


What a Piece of Work is a Man!

Our Roomba lost its way in
one of the three downstairs rooms.
Teams of men designed what now
rests among the collecting
cat fur clumps in the kitchen,
maybe? I have not yet looked
for it. I prefer my broom. 


Kohala Wind

Kohala wind stirs
like white caps on swelling waves
tumbling into folds,
warm hugs thanking
for the last time,
the last time, the last time, 
like the scent of a gardenia, 
fragrant in the sun
and carried in the air,
Kohala wind dances
lightly, like paper,
words swept up,
tumbling across rooms,
words soft and just right.

I don’t think I was ready to let go,
but its time to move on.
“Come back,” they said,
“when you get tired
of Hilo rain.”


It’s Not Hard to Feel _______

This morning, at least, the air felt fine
not as in just okay but as in keenly good.
Sun welcomed me awake to good tidings. 

And I felt accomplished and relieved before noon–
which, I’m surprised compared to however-I-feel-now
The sun is setting orange, down over the rooflines.

When my grandma told me never to rely on anything,
she wanted me to learn to be resilient as stone. 
On the farm, sunsets were a beautiful common event.

Nothing has really changed since this morning–
but where I once felt unsure, now I do know differently. 
We nailed one curtain over one too-bright window.

Sometimes, it’s better be be left in the dark searching,
than it is to be certain–I’d rather believe that,
in most things, I still have a chance at content.
In the darkening room, I now find myself



The Student

Lay me flat on the page
before you, bind me with ink sinews 

Dissect and probe me, cutting away 
what you cannot use

When you unearth my scraps, don’t
ignore the stench that assails

you, or scratch out the gashes
that remain
where language fails.