Posts for June 28, 2021 (page 7)


The Tack

Sink or swim
with her or him,

black or white
or dark or light,

look high and low
in rain or snow

for this or that,
tit for tat. 

Space and time,
rhythm, rhyme,

all these so dear
I’d like to hear

them every day,
if I may. 

Let it be,
set it free,

make a sound
that goes around

the world and back. 
Take the tack

that life’s a treat
if there’s a beat

and it swings. 
Strum those strings.


Don Quix-Po(e)te

I write poems
to save my life
                                     without leisure
                                     for pleasure.  
Face up against
night’s pointed gun
                                    only my pen sincere  
                                    can right wrongs.  
Despite proof of
my many failures  
                                   my broken nose    
                                   smells a happy ending.      



The playlist of our play “house” plays in the background. 
I can’t feel anything, but the lyrics touch the heart of the matter
And the tunes tune out the mundane.

Unable to hear from you

I’m still listening.


Up On The Mountain

Clouds come from
Somewhere unseen
Moving on out of sight
Leaving only this
To be seen


Chopin Composes a Stinker


Robert and Clara Schumann are coming in the afternoon
–God willing, Johannes will not be with them–
and I will play for them my new Nocture. It is,
I believe, my best yet.

It begins with a reverie in B-flat minor,
modulates to D-flat major as a mazurka
theme enters, then the storm enters–
thundering bass and bright stabs of 
light in the upper register.

The piece modulates back to B-flat
minor, as the storm subsides–the 
mazurka theme added as a counterpoint
to the reverie theme.

It ends with a simple 
cadence, the notes of the large
chords rolled, bottom to top,
ending on a B-flat major chord.


Robert and Clara are here. Johannes
Brahms is, of course, with them. We will
have tea, and then it will be time to play.
I take secret delight in knowing the art
that awaits them. Clara, I believe, 
will love the Nocturne best.

I am holding in the joy I feel, 
having done this good work.
The artist does not always
enjoy what he has done, but
this time, the stars aligned–
nature brought forth something
worthy from my heart, through
my fingers, out of the piano.


They hate it. Or, at least,
appeared to do so. Robert
said, “it is a fine work, Frederick,
though not of the same quality
as, for example, your E-flat major

Clara said nothing. This hurt
most of all. She tried to smile, 
but it was only out of 

Johannes, that ass of a boy,
played his new Intermezzo.
It was transcendent. I told him
so, though Robert and Clara
had already showered him 
with praise.

I placed my little nocturne
in the drawer. I shall not
publish it, or play it again.
If I can compose no better than
this, if I cannot judge what is
art, I should put down my pen.

Why should my piano speak,
when there is no one to hear its song?


i am thankful you are blind in the night

as a child I loved the dark

not even to be a contrarian

my friends all harbored nightlights

or some stupid as seen on tv glow in the dark toy

but I remember kicking and screaming (in a good way)

invisibly of course in the dark

because no one could see


and i could be less than perfect

I could be the golden child that didn’t sparkle in the shadows

the movie theater lights would dim

and even the bright screen couldn’t phase me

I’d scatter popcorn kernels between the cracks of my seat

and giggle too loudly as if no one could hear me

but then the lights came back

those goddamn lights

to show the world

the mess under my seat

the ones oh so visible once the chair flips up

it was like my baggage my trauma

in greasy over dyed yellow

accompanying deep red carpet

what is worse is that I didn’t have to clean it

I was too young for responsibility

now it has been a year since I’ve been to the movies

and the sun sets later in the day

so you can see my worries on my face

on my legs

for forbidden lovers to trace

and I am still here

waiting for the comfort of the dark

the only place I blend in

the only place I seldom cover up

the place where I am me

and my body is mine

for me to feel

and keep



Uneasy Read

Uneasy Read

The errata tag, my bookmark,
Startles when it falls
From pages marked
To read again.
As if to flick a warning ,
Don’t take words to heart.
Lean not on strangers’
Casual advice or hint.
Strengths should grow
On one’s own knowing .


Post-COVID Haiku

Free to move anew
Step gingerly into space
Words freeze and wither


her golden trap

lean stones here.
without stones-
              she will take
                limbs piled
down around her
               sisters base.

her sister meets
                       the soil
                       by way
               of greening-
              gold is gone.

beneath her green-
                her war is
             daily waged.


a timeless wardrobe

what an art to
put it together
in an era of
badly made stuff.
i wish i could choose
a shoe same way
i chose a love: