Posts for June 28, 2022 (page 7)




The humidity is low

and my spirits high.

I sit in the shade

as a light breeze sweeps by.


The sun begins its decent,

as the birds perch upright.

The trees start to vanish

with no moon in sight.


So, dear friend

I will say goodnight.

Hope you sleep

well till morning’s light.



When a spider comes into your life

Bit two days ago, low fever, chills, headache, body pain.
Clinic today, sock off, reaction wow! When did this happen? Good news no infection, no need for antbiotics. Tylenol, benadryl, keep an eye on it for 24hrs. If it gets worse call me. Ok. When a spider comes into you life.  Animal speak. The spiritual and magical powers of ceatures great and small.
SPIDER KEYNOTE: Creativity and the weaving of fate.
Spider teaches you to maintain a balance-between past and future, physical and spiritul, male and female.
Spider reminds us that the world is woven around us. We are the keepers and the writers of our own destiny, weaving it like a web by our thoughts, feelings, and actions.  Spider teaches that through polarity and balance creativity is stimulated.  Medicine Card, Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation.


permission papers

i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, you are my chosen community
and i want to be a good citizen.
my mom taught me the golden rule
my dad could have been a transcendentalist
if he would have graduated 7th grade
instead of enlisting in the Marines

i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, the scientific names for my stuff
are exactly like the scientific names for your stuff
and I want to be a good citizen.
my own children are doing great!
they are cancelling out most of my votes
although they did learn practical trades

i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, i want to be a good citizen.
you are the ones taught me
not to hold my breath so much, but
i fear your sharp stick on my nose
you make me feel uneasy, unseen, alone
instead of complaining, i just want to know

would it be ok if i did not write a poem?



there is a time in every life
boy I sure hope it’s so
that wisdom sets down and stays put
not wisdom like doing better because you know better
but deeper a knowing yes
but a knowing that becomes everything you are think feel do be
some may hit it early on
boy I sure hope some do
for me it took to 55
and a half
it’s still fresh so maybe I’m being premature in my convictions
but boy I sure hope it’s true
it’s not like that of Solovyov a great awareness of the inherent unity of humanity
it’s more like a new solidity in my gut
I am here and here is a great deal of something I am
meant to do
my son might say there is no meant to
so I just do
a desiring for conviction
this has been a long endurance
a commitment to faith
in patient I’m no good at
in coming mercy
or grace depending how you feel
or karma
just a letting down of the weights
I can let the world laugh
or scorn
me I now have this new solidity
so nothing else can matter strangely enough
all my propensity to do
more than be
plays out in balance
no harmony
no balance
well both
I’ve been here all along
nailed by wonder each step of the way even when
carrying the water jugs the wagon of earth the
cup of sky
I said yesterday I was freaked out
the sense of acknowledgement almost too much to bear
sought for so long
to get what is desired is almost too much
thrilling and frightening
rattled by this living
I wake with the same sense
yet realize this is not new weight
a feather a wing an angel thread
the longed-for courage showing up at my door
like a lintel I nail it down
boy I sure hope


not too common

in these degenerate days
the eye alone
is especially true

bare unfinished brick and wood

when white was brought together 
known as
‘the old blue’



work with the season –
gardens aren’t for what they are
but what they become    




i found a mourning dove feather 
(my favorite bird)
on my walk to pride
i ran into an old friend
(a gorgeous man)
on the same sidewalk
nothing is more beautiful
than coincidental randomness
i twirl it with my fingers
by lamp light later
it’s subtle gleam
rips my heart out

              -t.l andry


turning ashes

turning ashes
somewhere a spark
to beat the dawn



In the blink of an eye
I’ve become an old man
ailing and decrepit
walking rickety
with a stick at my side
wondering where time has gone
wandering through the archives
of my mind, and asking myself
if I could have done better


Things I Didn’t Say

Something about holding a geode in your hand and trying gently to crack it open.
Something about the road to Berea.
Something about the way the misty mountain rain only gets one side of the old dead standing oak wet while simultaneously drenching completely the short lime green new cones of the virginia pines.
                             I did say
something about wild
   flowers exploding 
    in a woodpile. Some
     thing about chopping 
      wood and carrying 
        water to the trees.
         Something real about life,
         something real about
         the softness of stone.
    something about 30 days in      Lexington
                something about             poetry.
           something about a               month.