i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, you are my chosen community
and i want to be a good citizen.
my mom taught me the golden rule
my dad could have been a transcendentalist
if he would have graduated 7th grade
instead of enlisting in the Marines
i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, the scientific names for my stuff
are exactly like the scientific names for your stuff
and I want to be a good citizen.
my own children are doing great!
they are cancelling out most of my votes
although they did learn practical trades
i want to know if it would be ok
if i did not write a political poem?
after all, i want to be a good citizen.
you are the ones taught me
not to hold my breath so much, but
i fear your sharp stick on my nose
you make me feel uneasy, unseen, alone
instead of complaining, i just want to know
would it be ok if i did not write a poem?