Posts for June 1, 2023 (page 2)

Registration photo of Tania Horne for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Fateful Day

My mind stays busy,
but slow tears freckle my hands.
My body recalls.


we still live in an RV

A year later

and the door doesn’t shut

as easily as it used to

we tried taking it apart to fix the frame

but it turns out it’s made of styrofoam

and two pieces of plastic


if we’d known just how fragile it was

we probably would’ve been gentler

every time we slammed or kicked

trying to seal our air in here

and that air out there

Registration photo of Charlie Kennedy for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

The ramblings of a love-struck nihilist

She asked, “are you fine, sister in Jesus Christ?
“Are you down by the river bank picking dandelions?”
With a shaking hand, I asked you to be my friend 
But you just laughed and looked at the sky

Take a drag of cigarette, well up all your regrets
Blow your smoke in my mouth just to clear your head
I sat in your garage, trapped in a hazy mirage 
Only by three I was tired and slept in your old Dodge



I use to remember phone numbers, 
all my friends’ phone numbers, 
my parents and grandparents, 
my college phone number, 
my first cell phone number. 
Now I can barely remember 
the password I just set for this. 

KW  6/1/23

Registration photo of Kiitan Adedeji for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


words spilled out like marmalade
as we sat and talked under a setting sun

it was casual to say the words
like something of everyday life
to say them like i was not something different

to say that my heartbeat,
that my stomach bloated with butterflies
when she was around

as I told them it was about a her
they leaned into the table
to figure out her name

who was my heart’s desire?
who was my sweet delight?

i spilled her name out like the marmalade
leaning in, as we sat and talked
about her under the setting sun


Spun Out

The thought of being a stranger to everyone was mildly soothing.
Not a soul would know 
Who I am
Or what I’ve been through
Or what I’ve done.

So, I packed up all of my things and left.
I changed my number
And I set out for a new life
In a new town
With new spaces
And new crowds.

Months later and I realized
I still have to live with
Who I am
And what I’ve been through
And what I’ve done.

Leaving didn’t change the things I have been so desperately running from my whole life.



I know a Bedouin woman who
holds the strength of millenia
in her gentle deep green eyes,
who knows humanity
is not a nation
bound by borders.
tells the



wake early  weary
body begs more sleep   I pass
motion of non-motion 

Registration photo of Lavanya S for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


rapunzel, rapunzel, don’t let down your hair.

it’s so messy and tattered—

how can you go out this way?

these tangles and knots

put disgrace on us.

be a good girl,

jeda veyi.


rapunzel, rapunzel,

how will you escape

if you do not let down your hair?


rapunzel, rapunzel,

who will come visit you,

not even the evil witch,

if you do not let down your hair?


rapunzel, rapunzel,

look out the window

at the bird who crashes

into his reflection,

crazed and harrowed.


rapunzel, rapunzel,

the real world is outside.

you’d never know the difference

if the the pictures in books lied.


rapunzel, rapunzel,

the voices in your head

you hear when you read

are all just projections

of the person you see


in your mirror, rapunzel

in your book, and window,

would you notice a difference

switching lives with the bird?


The bird has more freedom—

he’s on the other side

of this window between you

and the rest of mankind.


rapunzel, rapunzel

not a real human you’ve ever touched.

all you can imagine

is what you’ve read in the books you love so much.

rapunzel, rapunzel,
you don’t know
that the ones you love so much
left you here all alone.

they kept you from fun,
they kept you from play.
all you can do is watch
or don’t! either way, here you’ll stay.

rapunzel, rapunzel
you don’t know that
you can break this window
easily with
the force of your fist.
you, go girl!
go, girl power!

rapunzel, rapunzel,
after the window breaks, what then?
will you fall to your death
and meet your end?

rapunzel, rapunzel,
even atoms have distance between them,
and they don’t complain, or cause a nuisance.

rapunzel, rapunzel,
is it really that bad?
those books are lies!
you don’t need any of that.

rapunzel, rapunzel,
friends are not real.
if they were, look around you,
wouldn’t they be here?

rapunzel, rapunzel,
look inside your heart
the feeling you feel there
is love—don’t try to pick it apart.

rapunzel, rapunzel,
who else, believe me,
is there to help you?
no one, that’s who.
this rape i give you?
it’s all you need, too.


A toast for the neighbors

Let us raise high the mint 
overtaking our flowerbeds
and toast our neighborhood icons:

Cheers to you, red brick cottage abutting the Baptist church! 
        May the six plastic, pre-pandemic Halloween skeletons crawling up your chimney                 never fall
        and the whole geodes lining your sidewalk never crack open.
Cheers to you, white ranch across the street!
        May your flamingo mailbox withstand all future storms of wind or rain or ice
        and the flock ever find nourishment in the gravel beneath your windows.
And cheers to you, gray bungalow down the block!
        May the two life-sized, cherry-red concrete pigs on your front porch step never fade
        and remind us all to guard the individual inside.
