Posts for June 3, 2023 (page 7)



Bury me in the graveyard
where tombstones and monuments,
watch over the half buried and forgotten,
in gardens tended and pruned,
sometimes shiny and new,
where angels with stone wings
stand guard over infants
who breathed only a few minutes.  

I want to be buried in that graveyard,
not where the sheep are one flock,
like priests, sworn to poverty
and chastity and fidelity,
laid in metered rows.
In truth, we are equal in the end,
Catholic communists we send
ourselves, keeping time in endless lines.  

I want to be buried where I shine,
            or I don’t,
where there is the remembrance of me,

Perhaps scraping mud with fingernails,
from letters they’ve engraved,
you’ll find my name,
kissing cousins to the rain .  

I am as wide as the sea,
as big as the clouds,
as heavy as the rain,
as light as the plain
on which we live.  

I am a time traveler,
buried in a graveyard
with giant monuments
and flat forgotten souls.

Registration photo of Samar Johnson for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Our Breath is Revolutionary

for my circle

There were ten today.
Ten who came and sat their roots
bloody and dusty from a fresh pull from their Beings

and they wrote
what is
what was
what shall always be.

In the circle, they placed their roots at the center
some not knowing the magic within
the healing that could take place once consumed
but everyone
There was enough

In incantations, low voiced 
cackles bright like lightning flashes 
they spoke
shaking the earth to its own rock molten soul

She said the Sun is Black
While another told of our sacred bodies being filled to the brim with unspeakable art
they howled like a slow burning ache
a remembrance offering
ancestral in nature

Taking needles, they wove promises of their future work 
into the quilt of sky
hanging high beneath them

they made oaths to themselves that they would be first
no longer last
or not at all

After the circle was complete,
their sacred smiles creeping at mouth corners,
they walked away

never from each other

Registration photo of Shelda Hale for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


This poem is not in the shape of a page
torn from my life, not multiple perspectives

that revolve around a central anything,
not a carousel, not a Shasta daisy or a trout wriggling,

mid-flight, in the spiral of a falcon’s talons, not
a worm rudely pulled from a rain-soaked lawn, but

a cool jazz riff stu-stu-stu-stuck
like a laser stutter in a cosmic spin.

Registration photo of Jules Unsel for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

pattern recognition

something is nagging at her
suspicions and doubt tumbling
sharp shards of glass in her mind

right in front of her blind eyes
like a name or word she sees
but cannot or will not read

little things felt and ignored
hours unaccounted for
confessions of the wrong sins

lines and shapes she will not trace
bitter truths she will not face
finally falling  into place

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Small Town Americana

hitching posts for horses
lined up near the creek
old school house looming
from the top of the hill
looking down on us all
windows like eyes staring

old store that sells junk
and instruments, bluegrass
always blaring from inside
pizza place that has been
there since my own youth

the same old restaurant
with it’s worn counter
serving up burgers and
fries; just honk and they
will bring it right out
the whole place is one
big smoking section

train depot sitting stoic
in the middle of it all 
no trains run here now
it’s a museum that houses
bits and bats from locals
who have gone on to do
bigger and better things

there isn’t much here
hasn’t been for ages
someday I reckon it
will all be gone and 
closed up, but for now
this is still our town


the gardener’s choice

I passed today, quickly
noticed the roses had lost their luster
I didn’t stop to investigate and I imagine
well, the bush will bloom again
soon, as it’s barely June
this rose bush is one of my favorites
the color of the blooms the softest butter
almost yellow though not quite
so opposite of bright and vibrant
yet it is such, all the same

hidden from view, for the most part
I wonder how many know she’s there
I see her as I walk, keep tabs on her
yet how many rose lovers have no clue
is it odd I think about her, consider her and photograph her
I see her as a gift
something to be cherished and perhaps
perhaps she symbolizes
how often the best or most or exceptional go unnoticed
looked over due to where they were planted
        the gardener’s choice



When pizza is love
Takeout order not his choice
Olive branch topping



When I saw you standing there

My heart stopped

There’s no going back this time


A dangerous path of Grief

He is danger
Or maybe I am
With my journey to disarray
Dark, sly eyes
An unwavering smirk
A towering presence of pride
My own refugee
Into a place
That I am not
But I long to be
To be free of resent
Of hate and anger
Even if for this moment
Even if not for forever
He drowns me with this power of ecstasy
The fantasy of chaos
My body and mind
Acting as a torpedo
Into depths of destruction
For impulsive passes
Of pleasure
Of every so sweet and delectable sin
The devil’s version of honey and milk
A tapestry of pure carnage
Spattered against contracted muscles
Of desire hot against him
Sweat intermingled
This medley of our explosion
A result of his lust for me
My hate for my despair
What control he possess over me
This luscious intoxication
That stings my tongue
With every kiss
Permeating like a poison
Through every pore into my body
To which I know
Is only futile for my destruction
But that tornado of splendor
That fury that ignites
Like a thunderous fire
Deep in the floor of my desire
With each pulse of my body
In cadence with his own
My brain screams
Like a howl of wind crashing into the sea
Attempts to pull me out of this
But my feral, wounded animal being
Thrusts further 
Into depths of release
Of letting go
This pain
All pain
I wish to no longer to carry
The guttural
Voice of completion
He is my vessel of catharsis
He believes otherwise
My secret to hold for myself
My eyes connecting with his
To only see this for what it is
A release
A moment
Away from the grief
Away from who I wish not be

Registration photo of Laverne Zabielski for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Prayer for Adornment

A study in perspective.

May we taste ourselves

when adorned in beauty,

lick our lips in the delight

surround ourselves deeply in dreams

let the fragrance of our existence

leave traces as we pass,

a swish of color

the touch of serenity.

Softness abounds,

sifted from the pursuit of power.

All that is sensuous surrounds

serene with understanding.

May we remain deeply delicious,

serenely fragrant,

sensuously soft,

strong, and safe.