Posts for June 13, 2023 (page 10)

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


After Sleep Token

You pray for rain,

for love, for sleep.
You worship Creation
like it is all you have
ever known. You sing
for deliverance. You have 
no face, no name,
no home but this place
you call Eden.
You speak in symbols
unknown. I have seen you
at the witching hour
at my door– or maybe you
have always been there,
in the face of the moon,
just waiting for me to look up.


I’m not that fat, it’s the wind

Struggling with the yo-yos of
she said this apologizing.
We both laughed.

It really isn’t funny.
It hurts to be called obese.
After years of Slimfast, salads, Keto, 
calorie counting, cutting carbs,
fasting, skipping meals, grapefruit,
Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and
now Ozempic, a new diabetes drug.
It’s a clear liquid taken as a shot for
a price both financial and you can
never get off the merry go round
or you will be back in line for the
roller coaster.

What is the answer? Is it  diet, exercise
and willpower? Or is it a genetic problem 
passed down with a brain chemical imbalance?
Take your pick. There are two sides.
I like the latter.


404 Poetry Not Found

The poem you requested does not exist.
The chutzpah you are wanting is not available.
The words you are looking for have been redirected to another brain.
The soul server you are trying to reach is unavailable.
Please wait a few minutes and try again.
Click here to continue doomscrolling social media.

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Her hands

Small brown shadows
The spots between thumb and forefinger belie the age of my hands
Painted nails of calloused fingertips, scarred from thorns and roses alike.
Soft,  strong, always cool upon fevered foreheads.
Warm with whispered kisses following thin skin blue veins to bring life to touch, firm and tender.
Clasped and gripping

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

The Blues

Give me blue skies
And grass the same 
My old Kentucky home 



sounds of a spring rain sing
to my window panes
percussive beckoning
give ear to their music
crashing cymbals crescendo
brass trumpets fireworks
low rumbling bass brings
symphonic ensemble 
to its second movement
woodwinds whirling
tree limbs trilling
entire orchestra raises
listeners an ovation in awe
of the beauty and splendor
of the majestic performance
that is passing our way


It’s Not What You Think

The stranger who cuts you off
in traffic may be more absent
minded than angry or evil. 

The waiter who messes up your order
may be receiving chemotherapy, 
or have a kid serving in a war zone. 

The friend who hasn’t called, hasn’t 
returned your texts, may have lost
her job, or her marriage. 

Other’s lives are invisible to us, 
as our lives are invisible to others.
Think twice before you curse.