I am stuck between wanting to stay right where I am
And wanting to change absolutely everything I’ve known
It feels comfortable to stay in my little town, work my bartending job
Hang out with the friends I’ve known forever, drive the backroads I know by heart
But it’s exhilarating to think about all the different people I could meet
The opportunities I could encounter
The places I could see
The possibility of being happier than I am now
But, I’m stuck at a 4-way stop sign
And I’m not sure which way to go
The days turn to night, over, and over
And over again
The same thoughts everyday
But never the energy to make them come alive
I am stuck in an endless cycle of reality and dreams
And endless cycle of not knowing who I really am
Or where I’m supposed to be
I’m afraid I’ll stay stuck forever,
And just like June, life will flash before my eyes
And I will never have made it through the stop sign