He crosses the street to the vicarage,
having spent his hours crossing swords
with the demons harrying his flock.
A cold roast, a glass of wine, then bed.
He will pray to his shepherd for refuge
during the dark hours of his dreams.
He steps slowly off the sidewalk,
a stranger far from recognition,
trying to decide if the woman
standing beneath a street lamp
should be asked into the shadows.
He staggers from sidewalk to gutter
to street and back again, again,
oblivious to the chance of a bus,
a speeding car or fatal trip,
having eased the pain of good-bye.
He walks a different way home,
noting dark shops, high steeples,
low lights behind apartment shades.
These places call to him, will him
to return at different times of day,
camera in hand to immortalize them.
(after the 1949 photograph, “London #1204,” by René Groebli)