Posts for June 5, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Ann Haney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Crescent City


take me

in the flow,

mistake me

for the native that

I know

I am
basking in your beat,

while I take

your sweet, sweet


meet me in the street

greet me

as I



on your sway

all night

all day

until you’re mine

All souls divine


your music

heard in youth

that resurrects

and wrecks me.


now the crime


killing time

in a way

most fine

“And I think

I’m gonna

love you

for along, long


with thanks to Linda Ronstadt’s lyric line from:  Long Long Time 

Registration photo of Christina Joy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

“I Ate My Weight in Glucose Tablets This Week” (the tech is good until it isn’t)

It began with 

the pathological enthusiasm of the trainer: used-
car-salesman smile 
“I’m sure 
you’re going 
to love it!” 
left momentarily blank & blinking 
by the ‘no, I won’t‘ reply. Why 
say that to someone who had you read the ‘chart’ 
(fairly certain they didn’t read the ‘chart’) 
would have seen what I’d said it is: surrender 
after forty years of 
‘we can do this’, then ‘*I* can do this’ 
to wearable machinery because of 
perimenopausal hormonal fuckery 
          (oh the longeststanding fear – 
            ‘tied to machines that make me be‘) 
my soul-daughter sees ‘body horror’, my lifemate 
just the replacement of extant stressors and frustrations 
with a whole new set. Overriding / Rewriting twenty-plus 
years of routine leaves anxiety bursts: so 
sure you’re forgetting to do
what keeps you alive. The tech 
is good, until it isn’t: three hours of lost sleep 
& five phone calls between 
two and four a.m. today 
on the heels of a week of seismographic rise 
& fall rates, line looking for all intents & purposes 
like lie-detector brainwaves 
and where 
is the lie 
in that? 

Registration photo of Amy Figgs for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Diary of a poemless poet

Day 1
Today and for the near future
I am not a poet
I am the messy goo
Of transition
And transformation
Sticky And warm
Sloshing about 
Softly and quietly
Waiting for
My wings

Registration photo of SpitFire1111 for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Gen Z Slang for Boomers

I’m standing on business,
securing the bag.
This is coming out my grill!
I understand the assignment.
I usually write about my op.
Today I will cook
and glow up.
Not ick.
I eat.
This poem slaps,
a dub and it’s lit.
I wear drip and
hit different.
My poetry is gas and not
rizz nor mid.
This is bass periodt!
I’m a snack with a drip.
A sneaky link,
passing the vibe check,
very low key.
About to pull up.
High key!
I’m dead, weak, dope
definitely not cap,
scary or suss.
You will be shook!
This will be your bop.

Registration photo of Susie Slusher for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I Guess I Just Feel Better Around You

It’s that time of the year where I remember again,

He was always a lover, but never a friend.


I can’t pretend this is anything new,

I guess I just feel better around you.


Blushing from your gaze,

Had me nauseous for days.


I’ve been euphoric for weeks,

Switching my weight between my feet.


Rosy red and cool baby blue;

Ice and spice honey, we always knew. 


You and me baby, alone

In an oh-so crowded room.


Golden threads and new white shoes,

It’s haunting that he’s still my muse.


Under the covers and wearing thin,

I wish it was you, and never him.


Muddled into two, him and you.

I guess I just feel better around you.


Nostalgic for something that never existed,

I hate how he kissed me, even though I miss it.


I love you for the good times

In spite of the bad.

I guess you can’t lose something

That you never had.

Registration photo of Fanny H. Salmon for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

False start

I had a plan
and a map
all laid out
made it out
of the gate            beaming

at the next step
two poems I drafted
on the long drive back,
none finished. What a joke

whispered the exchequer
Aimeless, I stare
past the screen.
Ruthless ,I cancel
the spin, shut it

down in a clap.
Give in to the depth
the cot calls.
Pearls of joy,
a full day’s harvest 

tuck me in before
I can ever start counting.
One day.  No harm in
skipping just this one.
Two and three stand
laughing as I welcome

old men returning.
Feel the treasure
in the safe
embrace. Moments
dropped will beg       a recount.

Registration photo of Jennifer Barricklow for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


color so saturated
even the camera can’t
distinguish one petal
from another

Registration photo of Autumn Cook for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I am famished.

Shall I stare
until my meals gone cold,
dispose of it like trash?

Or should I relish in the first bite,
the second, 
the third,
until I’ve consumed it all
and there is nothing left
but crumbs of what was there before?

I ate too much.

Registration photo of Katie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Committee Meeting At 9:00

The truth about God,
is not unwieldy, 
nor precious.
More like a tree, 
orderly like that,
and home. 



She jumps up and down red curls bouncing
Gamma! i dancing!

Her giggles echo as she spins in circles
Ruby silly! she shouts.

In her world gravity is optional 
as she climbs fearlessly in the playground.

Every puddle is an invitation to barefoot dancing
and even when she slips, she laughs.

A little firecracker
wild spirit ablaze,
child of my child
light of my world.