Posts for June 9, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of Sean L Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A handshake of carbon monoxide

A headstand of caribou muscle
A heart attack of cartons of milk
A heat-seeking missile of carburetors
A helioscope of cartoon tigers
A healthy adoration of cow patties
A hideaway of cold sweats
A health screening of cataracts
A hop skip and a jump of cowboy breakfasts
A hole punch of coffee grounds
A heterogeneity of Canadian geese
A hot pocket of cocaine Coca Cola
A headspace of cosmic crows


St. Agnes

Author’s note: St. Agnes was an early Christian martyr, killed at age 13 for her refusal to marry. She is the patron saint of young girls, chastity and rape survivors.

Tucked behind the couch, age 10,
I would take down the gilded book and
spend an hour gazing upon your sweet eyes,
the curve of your cheek, brushed
by coils of lamb’s wool. A pull inexplicable,
yet I swore I would take your name one day.
I didn’t. When the time came to approach
the bishop and accept the oils, I couldn’t
defend it. I had already lost my voice.
When I first remembered the tale
of those pages, I could only manage a bitter
laugh. Resolute in your purity, you held firm
despite unwanted advances. You died,
went safe into the arms of a God who loved
you. I know, because He blinded the dozens
who sought to stain you. Most days, I envied
you His favor. More, I envied your certainty
that you could go home. Even now, my skin
itches. God, I am so tired of waiting…
Only later did I learn that some legends,
ones they would not give to a child,
say they held you down. God watched.
You endured.
It is this image of you I came for. I am late.
I can see your spires, but I cannot go inside.
Still, you are the only one who could call me
home. I am almost certain you wavered too.
With lives like yours and mine, faith in
one that watches cannot help but itch.
I want to peel off my skin, like lamb’s wool.
Instead, with your blessing, I will go in.
Relearn my voice. And sing.

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Blessmas 2024

I accept steel
I accept gargoyle 
I accept pearly gates
I accept shark
I accept Santa Claus
I accept cumulonimbus
I accept wishing well
I accept skyscraper
I accept polished stone dragon
I accept warm glow wax seal 
I accept hot sauce off the deep end
I accept blue suede shoe brain teasers
I accept Golden Gate campfire
I accept hot lava grapefruit
The Universe is Saint Nick: big enough
to bless us everyone on our small, small
trembleworld. I accept, I accept. 
The problems come when we show weakness:
corrupt, doubt, expect. Over the rainbow
is a friend, an answer, the next best step, 
an olive, meat, and cheese platter: 
I accept. I accept. Do you accept?
Inspired by “Navigating Grief: A Guided Journal” and Paint Chip Poetry


Den Haikus

A bent antenna
waves hello from the TV
and welcomes us in.

Grandmother’s doily,
too tired to move, rests on
the arm of the couch.

The lampshade’s askew.
Last night someone’s drinking cap,
it looks hungover.

The carpet’s dark stains
come from spilt chocolate milk
and coffee splashes.

The paneled room holds
many teenage memories
I rarely visit.

Content Warning

The poet decided this submission may have content that's not for everyone. If you'd like to see it anyway, please click the eyeball icon.

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Morning Doughnuts

soft dough,
pillowy and beige,
sitting resplendent amongst its neighbours at the bottom of the crinkled paper bag.


sweet custard,
bright and creamy,
perfectly at home surrounded by a delicious round exterior.


granulated sugar,
sticky and crystalline,
clinging to fingers and teeth serves as a reminder of just how good the simple things can be


Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I asked you to be honest with me. 

You said tomorow would be better. 

I wasn’t surprised

and that’s what made me cry. 

Registration photo of Linda Angelo for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Santa Cruz Spring

red climbing roses fall
through mist
to kiss the throats
of cream-colored calla lilies

Registration photo of wendyjett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

All This Digging Has Left My Nails Quite Dirty

The years
have layered
sediment in my
soul. Debris
and dust piled
in smooth,
straight lines.

Registration photo of Carrie Carlson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Along for the Ride

The engine purrs

I smell the exhaust
I straddle the seat
And make the Sign of the Cross
I never imagined 
I’d be a rider
So, I hold on tight
And trust the driver
Speeding down a straight-a-way 
My borrowed jacket, puffing up with air
Hair flapping behind my helmet
Oh, how the weather is fair!
The sky is baby blue
With billowy clouds of white
The sunshine warms my body
While the speed feels like flight
I breathe in honeysuckle
It floats on the breeze
A bug meets its demise 
On one of my denim-clad knees 
I spot bare ground beneath a tree 
Evidence of livestock’s happy repose
Then we turn a corner,
And the smell of a carcass meets my nose
Onward to horses and hay bales
And to a gentle river ahead
We pause to watch a ferry
Gotta get back home – so children are fed
I’m a little more confident
On our return
But my back begins to hurt
And my knees begin to burn
I also recall responsibilities 
But then, let out a sigh 
Sometimes it’s nice
To just be along for the ride 
I lean into corners
I study pastures, trees, and creeks
I wave to other drivers
And enjoy gesture trumping speech
As the sun begins to set
We return to our three beauties 
I take off my helmet, shake out my hair
And return to domestic duties

Registration photo of Marta Dorton for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


trains travel
across my mind
vibrate essence
leaden fragments remain
foundation shaken