Posts for June 13, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of Geoff White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Alone With a Bear vs. Alone With a Man

Some things are
worse than death,

thoughts of living with
assault always on you,

a film you can’t wash off.
No one can say you wanted

the bear to maul you.  And
even when men are posed the question

they want qualifiers first
because they know, they know

the forest keeps its secrets.

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Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

White Noise Whispers

the molecules are close enough to convince that you’re here,
an astral being entering within a gust that sweeps aside the tapestry patterned with teal and lavender spheres

Why is it that you like to peer?
Do my insights of fear have an appeal that draw you near?

I don’t empathically feel the emotions in you dear: to me you have none that cross or interfere, unlike the usual your white noise is all I hear

It’s comforting; that detachment in your

Registration photo of Arwen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

On Passion

if your heart catches fire
and settles into glow,
watch it burn

fan it as needed
(or let it die out)
if it wants to consume you

whatever happens,
you must try to hold it like an ember
which is to say

you must not try to hold it at all.

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Maybe everything?

You think I tell you
Every thought and fear
Every breath I save to whisper as you hide.
But I don’t.
I have neither words nor color to shine all my truths for you.

You think you know
Every touch and tingle
Every spark I feel from your fingers on my neck.
But you don’t.

Do you feel my heart leap when you chime into my day?

And do you taste the salt on my earlobe catching pillow tears?
Can you know the ache that follows the breadcrumb paths, creeping time moving back to you?


Maybe you do.

Registration photo of Sean L Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

We all like stars

because there is still a tether
in each of us,
an umbilical cord,
leading back like
a tunnel of air and light
to all the fission and flares,
that womb of cosmic fire.

Registration photo of Jonel Sallee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I Meant to Come in Peace

I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble
coming into the world; there was already
trouble enough, what with the Arizona
just settling itself into reddened water, and
Anne Frank, there in the dark Amsterdam night,
wearing her yellow star. 

It was a hard time, but I came anyway.
To hear my mother tell it, you’d think
the whole bloody war was being waged
right there in her blessed uterus; she always said
I took forever getting here,
and it hurt like hell. 

Maybe because I was born in war time,
maybe because I felt bad about causing Mama
all that trouble, I’ve spent a lot of my life
seeking peace, which sometimes meant
making peace, or—the hardest—
keeping peace—and yet 

here I am, seeing
all these decades,
all these wars, 

wondering sometimes
about intention, about


Dear Baby

Dearest baby,
I dream of you. 
I dream of how you will look
your scent
your eyes.

I yearn for you. 
To feel you in my arms
would be the greatest moment
of my existence. 

But, dear baby, 
you haunt me. 
Like a ghost I have never met,
you wander the hallways of my thoughts
lurking around the next corner
watching me so that you can disappear just before we meet.

Oh, my baby. 

I want you so badly,
and I am so afraid
that you are never meant to be. 

I am afraid that I am a desert,
a wasteland where life never flourishes,
where flora and fauna alike 
are dry, cracked, and dessicated–
longing for the drink that I cannot provide. 

I do not know you yet, dearest baby,
and I fear I never will
but until my clock chimes midnight
I will long, yearn, and weep,
for there is no one on this earth or in the cosmos
That I want more.


open door open mind

elf wren
hops into my open
door stealing
peanuts I name her
Merlin she makes me


Registration photo of Sav Noël Hoover for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Four hundred thousand children are in line 
I don’t want a kid with bad genetics
no one can hear you, world roaring about

cups, shoes, they tape confrontation over
my lips, you hear just whispers of the sand
I was churning. water murky, broken 

the system is broken, they just sigh out 
accept and find new things to scream about 
cups, shoes, lid tight on them, suffocating 

they slam their doors, funds are for our wars, so,
open yours, four hundred thousand in line 

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Common human experience:

(occassionally for the blessed;
frequently for the cursed)

not getting enough of
this or that
which we really need

not enough money: can’t pay the bills; can’t go out
not enough sleep: dulled wit; slow bodily response
not enough food: low energy; pissy mood

we could go on,
but you get the picture

in recent years, it seems,
we have entered
The Subminimal Age

during which we get so much less of
this or that
which we really need
we are left at
less than zero

can you pay all your bills, or 
do you never have enough

do you get plenty of sleep, or
are many nights restless, dream-free

do you eat quality food, or
mostly processed crap

(things like hugs–you know–
everyone needs a certain amount
of human touch, but these days
you may not get enough
to even feel you are still human)

if you don’t think 
“the struggle is real”
just wait–

The Subminimal Age
is coming for you, too,
and she will take it all