Posts for June 14, 2024 (page 5)

Registration photo of Susie Slusher for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Summer Cleaning

“Out with the old
And in with the new”

I hum while tossing my dirty laundry
Into a dollar-store garbage bag.

What’s done is done
And what’s said is said,
And all I can do
Is tidy the mess it left in my bed.

The birds chirp around me,
I’m floating on air!
Love, love, love,
Despair, despair, despair.

I envy the old me,
But I bask in the glory too
Of me now, someone new.

If I had a beer for every time
I switched my personality,
I reckon I’d be drunk.

I fear that maybe, I am now.
I hate how you creep up on me
Everywhere, somehow.

A muse, 2nd muse, maybe 3rd if I’m lucky.
One shot and 4 beers
And I miss how you’d touch me.

Pools, garages, basements! What a thrill!
They all reek of you, yet I relish in the smell.

Love you, hate you
Which will I pick today?
Maybe tomorrow i’ll wake up
With my dirty laundry at your place.

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sleepy haiku

A spray of your scent
Naked under warm covers
You are here with me


without apology

borderline-blasphemous, atheist to the core,
i cannot fathom a benevolent being,
watching as the world crumbles at its feet.
so many abused raped tortured starved
still people cling to the fairytale of happy daddy in the sky
who loves us unconditionally but condemns us to a fiery eternity
if we don’t love him in return
why struggle here for the promise of a paradise
why hurt here to earn a place in some divine hereafter
why do we have to suffer to earn anything at all?
i do not need a promise of plenty to be kind and to care
i remain unapologetic in my disbelief
of creature in that sits on its throne in the skies,
who loves all it’s children by letting them suffer

Registration photo of Alora Jones for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What Brings Me Hope?

Helping hands
offered with no remuneration
purposely done
efforts meant to be freely spent,
then hearing sounds
shouting outrage
conducting peaceful protests
to enact change,
and seeing my students hold tight
to morality despite opposition 
from a harsh, pernicious reality
standing tall against erratic fate,
fighting the good fight against hate
extinguishing overwhelming oppression
to create a world of perfect peace
bringing about equality and equity
that’s what brings me Hope
in this world of complexity.

Registration photo of EDL for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

This little town

The moment the wheels,
took off from the landing strip.
I prayed to God,
the aircraft’s would fall from the sky.

Burning every last piece of me,
to the ground.

I have to stop traveling,
to this place of pure destruction.
Where their words eat at me,
like poisonous snakes.

No matter how many people,
I love and care for,
this place was never a home.

It was always meant,
to be a pitstop,
on the roads I travel.

I know I’m meant for something better.

Registration photo of Lori Taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

No Harm, No Foul

“Such a cute baby girl”
remarks my mom’s elder friend 
to the photo I post on FB
Nevermind the stereotypical blue hearts
and baby emoji with topknot Elvis curl

I “Like” it anyway

It happens all the time
mindless modus operandi

Once I neared a store mirror
and said, “Excuse me,”
before realizing the blonde
lady in the blouse with pink hearts
was me

Half second attention
whole-heart intention

Like it anyway

Registration photo of Tom Hunley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Fall (Franz Kafka)

Now the huge dung beetle was more depressed and full of existential dread than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.


The dung beetle said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”  And the woman said to the dung beetle, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,  but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’”  But the dung beetle said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will see God as a faceless, oppressive government accusing you of crimes that you can’t remember, forcing you to fill out endless paperwork to try to prove your innocence, and at some point, if you’re like me, you’ll think ‘Maybe I really am guilty of something, for I do feel a good deal of guilt and shame, at which point one of God’s angels, really just a low-level bureaucrat, will stab you with a gleaming knife, and you will die like a dog.’” So the woman asked “What does it mean to die?” and the dung beetle explained, and she asked “What is a dog?” and the dung beetle explained.


So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then both felt guilt and shame, but weren’t sure of what, and they proceeded to bury themselves in paperwork, which made them increasingly confused, afraid, and despondent.

Registration photo of Bing for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

14 – a hungry haiku

you have my full heart.

stay in my life forever,

my dear, crab rangoon.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Us v AI 

Are we smarter as a society because of technology?

Should we be worried?
Artificial Intelligence is here.

Are we welcoming it with open arms?
Have we given it free rein to take over?

If knowledge is power why are we so quick to give it up?
If I lose my phone I’m lost.
I don’t know anyone’s phone number.

If the GPS loses its signal we’re lost.
No longer do we utilize maps or even try to remember how to get from place to place.

What will become of humanity as we give over more and more of our intelligence to an entity that has no morals or a soul?

Registration photo of j.l taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

summer stretch

when i come over to your house in the morning before the light comes up i wait for the birds to talk amongst the leaves before they dip their feet into the dew, finding earth
worms and delight, fearful to disturb their peace i creak the screen door slowly, pulling cold air against me, hitting my chest before my hands before my eyes, shushing the dogs as i sneak in wanting love as much they do, but we wait till it becomes quiet again, as i slip off
my shoes, socks, shorts, shirt, to peel my body underneath summer’s quilt, hooking my cool
warm body against the tiredness of yours. although i’m a surprise you squeeze me as if i’ve been here all night, half-asleep half-dreaming, i kiss the spine between your shoulder blades and the birds have made themselves full, fluffing their bodies back to sleep.