Posts for June 17, 2024 (page 5)

Registration photo of Patrick Miles  for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What We Really Need

Chorus : 

So hard to stop
all the thoughts 
you’re not good enough
No you’re good enough 
for me
Been thinkin too much 
if you could just 
see what 
I see 
you could get the love 
you really need

So hard to stop
all the thoughts 
i’m not good enough 
Am I good enough 
for you ?
Been thinkin too much 
if I could just 
see what
you see 
I could get the love 
I really need 

Verse :

It’s easier
to love 
one else 
than it is 
to love 
Your help 
can only 
go so far 
It’s gotta 
come from within 
at the end 
of the day 
we just been 
in our way
We’re our own 
worst en
but don’t break
Growth ain’t lin
It’s okay 
Take your time 
i’ll take mine 
Take my eyes 
if you’re blind 
to the beauty 
that I see 
when you
with me 

Bridge :

You are 
Give yourself
the love 
you give 
you touch 


Chorus :

So hard to stop
All the thoughts 
You’re not good enough
No you’re good enough 
For me
Been thinkin too much 
If you could just 
See what 
I see 
You could get the love 
you really need

So hard to stop
All the thoughts 
I’m not good enough 
Am I good enough 
For you ?
Been thinkin too much 
If I could just 
See what
you see 
I could get the love 
I really need 




Registration photo of Philip Corley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Upgrading From a Tropical Depression to a Fully Fledged Hurricane

For what good is a story
if the protagonist never grows?

I am storm clouds stacked on a warm ocean lesson
preparing to become your next supervillain 

with surges to strike at all of your levees
and downpours ready to flood all your cities.

I’ll blacken your skies like a guillotine,
finding immortality on your quivering shores

my name clinging like an unwise tattoo;
you’ll carry me with you the rest of your days.

For I’ve learned the difference between ‘we need to talk’
and I need to talk to you is stark.

You can’t willy-nilly play games
with other peoples’ hearts.

It’s the wind speed I need to evolve into my own.
No more cowering, afraid to get hurt.

Because I am hurt. I shoulder many hurts
and I need to ensure you won’t hurt me anymore

and I can only do that
as a monster in your distant dark.

My advice to you now?
Brace yourself; take shelter.

Landfall is coming,
I will talk to you soon.


on this date

Found an unlocked door

Rocked a nation    Risked himself

Grateful for Frank Wills

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Personal Retreat

Salmon swim into the

cabbage patch black hole.
Bubblegum indigo brick
lines the garden path. 
Obsidian fig leaves rustle
in the key of Genesis
as whale song entertains 
the whole enchilada. 

Inspired by Paint Chip Poetry and “Navigating Grief: A Guided Journal

Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sorry for the Pain

I’m a memory of yours without grace
I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel safe



folding and fold-
ing, I am 

turning old

into birds–

their wings mal-
formed, they be-

come paper 
boats instead

Registration photo of Vickie Moriarity for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad

Happy Father’s Day, Dad.
Saturday’s poem du jour was too harsh, unfair even 
Given our family tree was rooted in alcoholism, 
Your  own father’s dysfunction poisoning future limbs.

You vowed to be different, signed up before the draft, 
fell in love on a barstool while on leave in a German pub.
This petite, dark eyed Aussie, part time barmaid in a German pub,
served you dark lager while worming her way into your heart, and then you had to go. 
Later, your phone calls got through.
You told her you got your orders as she said she was pregnant.
You could have abandoned her then, but you didn’t. 

You married her, set her up in your country and
Fought like hell in another country so you could get back to her. 
You did things none would know for decades, 
Until alcohol unloosed your tongue to reveal the nightmares 
decaying you from the inside out. 

Had your rock not crumbled,  you would have overcome
but she didn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t
Her own illness contaminating body, mind, and spirit, 
swallowing up any hope left,  your alcoholic rages sucking 
the last gasps of oxygen of a great love affair. 

You could have given up on us though, but you didn’t.  
Men didn’t raise kids back then, women did. 
You thought about it, thought about hurling off the 
Warren Avenue Bridge, but you stayed for us. 
You did what was required and then some. 

Because of you, I am here today, more like you than I want to admit. 
I talk like you, 
I work like you,
persevere like you.  
Life has done its damndest to destroy me, too, Dad, 
But I survive, like you. 
So Thank you, Dad. 
Happy Father’s Day.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Where Did They Go

I can make things disappear
Keys in hand
I turned around and they were gone
They disappeared without a trace

Text a friend
Phone in hand
I look down it’s nowhere to be found

One moment it’s here
The next it disappeared into thin air

If only I could make things reappear

Then I’d be a magician

Registration photo of Samar Jade for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


in its category:
Why is blue
for sorrow?

What if
your sorrow
tastes more 
like a mother
watching their child
fade away 
of starvation?

the salt
in tears


What if it smells 
of burned flesh
after found
in a bomb’s way


is it felt like 
the searing of skin
flashed by shrapnel
on your way to fill
your tin with food?

is this blue
like sorrow
red like anger
or maybe only 
the whites of eyes
filled with greed

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Sue Leathers for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

nap poem

So small on the full bed, he naps 
on a cool cotton sheet 
after a sticky morning 
of peeking into empty rain spouts and
testing his hands with the number 
of pebbles they can hold 
I tiptoe in to note
his tummy rise and fall
today I write quickly
or else have no poem at all