Posts for June 21, 2024 (page 4)

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


sometimes i want to indulge in my emotions

bathe in them

get lost in them

but on most days i find myself

tucking them back becoming numb

unintentionally locking them away

behind my smile

yet in my mind they are plotted out so deliciously

waiting to be pecked apart like a buffet

by me & the masses

i overanalyze my emotions, undermine them

let others peck at them like frenzied birds when they come out

unedited & wiggling around like hopeless worms on the hot pavement

Registration photo of Virginia Lee Alcott for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Brief Encounter

Such a sweet sight to enjoy
Flutter of silk wings
Gleaning floral juice.

Registration photo of Patrick Miles  for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Dreams in a File Like Leaves in a Pile

She loves my low voice 

And that i’m pro choice 

Why so serious 

Do you get no joy ?

Leave the Tolstoy 

For the Dostoyevsky 

Or the Chekov

Or the Nabokov

Skatin on this shit 

Like Gretzky 

Goals i’m checkin off 

Sippin soursop 

When I go get my shine box 

I go Joe Pesci 

I shine off the top 

When I freestyle 

Or just from losin my hair 

All about if you

Choosin to care 

Just wanna see ya smile 

The way you move it aint fair 

Dreams in a file 

Like leaves in a pile 

Blew through the air 

Cant grieve all my life 

For shock value 

They’ll send you to the chair

Kind of Blue out the player 

In a Sentimental Mood 

Like Duke 


Dont hit my cell again 

Im in an instrumental mood 

Im tryna get loose 

Like Snoop 

off the gin and juice 

Get in the groove 

Like you on the 1’s and 2’s

Get in the mood 

Yeah I know what you wanna do

Baby come on through 

After I lay this track 

Ima lay you back 

Flat on my mattress 

That ass got dat fatness 

Ima smash with a passion 

Then Im probably crashin

Cuz it been a long day 

But ima get you off that’s just

Somethin you ain’t even gotta say

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

it’s not that I’m broken

just threadbare
in a way I’m learning to love

I don’t stuff the stuffing back in anymore,
just learn to appreciate changing shape

I do require needle and thread from time to time,
and a seamstress can only repair what is pierced in the first place  

you might call it scoured, but I prefer waterworn
smoothed evermore into something ancient and precious 

you might even call me beloved

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


You look older now.
Your face peels back
to childhood versions.
Lizard skin, you wear it
like it is your own, like
this is your life now. 
Your life, which consists
of ripples on stillwater
by the grace of butterfly 
effects, is only as large
as your own skull is.
Every moment is a loss
you must now accept 
immediately. As well,
you have lost many
people. They have
washed like shells
into the swallow of sea.
You will never touch
their lives again. You
touch your own face. 
You are limestone. 
You have been etched
with many elegies down 
the curve of your back,
like many lover’s graffiti.
The verses become wings,
the sun looks inviting.
The light draws you in,
makes you feel real,
because in the darkness
when you cannot see
your body, you are
nothing. Your body
is your only home.
You haven’t stared 
deeply into the mirror
for too long. You have
lost time. You have lost
yourself. You are not
what you once were.
You could cry for her
and your tears would be
just echoes that dissolve
into heavy, calm silence.
One day you will be
There is nothing 
you can do.

Registration photo of Lee Chottiner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Ordination  

What I recall most
about the moment
you became a rabbi
The diamond ring

The sunlight
that entered the synagogue
to pray
instead married
the gem upon your finger

their brilliance
flashed messages
about the sanctuary
which were these

I was a woman only
Now I am woman
a rabbi
a changer
a wife
and soon to be a mother
You seemed not to notice
the statements you made
Robed in black
your eyes fixed
upon your mentor
your slender fingers
gripping the sleeves
of his robe
He rested his hands
upon your shoulders
speaking words meant
for your ears alone
only the Torahs
in the open ark
to witness the secrets he shared

Registration photo of Morgan Evans for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

My Mother’s Wrist Watch

A leather band
A train
Gold trim
A tiny button
With one push, the sound of the engine
It travels in its little circle
My mother’s wrist watch

I’d sit and watch
I’d fall into deep sleeps
In closets
In nooks

A story about discomfort
A flash that’s as unsettling
As the sudden horn of the
CSX rails

I’m partial to rocks
Something to hold
Hands always in a fist
Even while  sleeping

Dirt falls from this  brain of mine
And it rattles out
All the notions
That I could have taken
If I was able to stand and see
What I couldn’t understand
When I was a kid

If only the adult me
Could take their hand

Registration photo of Michele LeNoir for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Biscuit Cutters

Stacked still, inside one another,
in vintage drawer, they rest
after decades of pressing
out perfect biscuits, day-after-day
dusted white, with all-purpose flour,
then scrubbed clean, dried before rust
could set in, only to wake to same
routine just like she did, donning her
red-white-checked apron, considering
the steady measure of her day, of children,
of granddaughter. She pressed
with hands that wore thin, making
lives rise high, happy, purpose-full
with near exact measurement
of her time-proven recipe.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Red Ford EXP first car
                                Bridge at Midway College first kiss
Valhalla first home


Not my last car
                           Definitely – not my last kiss
Nor my last home


            I will always have them



Girllll… ain’t you heard?
Heard what?
That gal down that street gone run an got herself knocked up.

Chile yes, and guess who the deddy be!
Yo sista’s fiance!
You lyin’, nawl not so…

I didn’t want to tell you, cuz I knew you wouldna believed me.
Why should I believe you?
Why shouldn’t you?
Cuz all you do is GOSSIP!