Posts for June 21, 2024 (page 7)

Registration photo of Kim Kayne Shaver for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What I Think About After the Summer Solstice Tanka

          What if I can’t talk
     about pink white cosmos pe-
           tals round, yellow dot?
     My silver bucket planter


A Healing Spell

An old friend materializes like a forest fairy,

blue hair and cutoff tank-top,
gap in their tremendous grin,
squashes me tight and whispers,
“You look so good! You’re glowing!”
My instinct is to say it’s just sweat,
sun and humidity transforming me into an oven,
roasting me from the inside out,
until I remember when they met me:
rug pulled out from under me,
tripped through a trapdoor and sprawled
at the bottom, staring at a sky
that wasn’t mine anymore,
and realize.
Maybe they’re right.
With their hug still deep in my bones,
I belly laugh at Shakespearean antics,
letting the sound split the silence of the crowd,
then march to my car in the glossy city dark,
lips still curved in a smile,
confident feet unshaken by fear.
In the morning, I wake up shivering,
so I make a mug of peppermint tea,
root myself, cross-legged, to the floor,
and shimmy to ukulele music
until I remember what lightness feels like.
I leave the door open,
and my heart too,
and decide that my new sky,
clouds and all,
is still a pretty damn good view.


Will I Ever Stop Being Afraid Of You?

Will I ever stop being afraid of you?


I set a small boundary

and refuse to answer your question.

Your rage bubbles up out of nowhere.

You utter a bitter “fuck”

even though you hate that word.

You interrogate me.

You try to shame me.


I have spent my life

afraid of your anger,

living small

to avoid your wrath.


Many are the times

I have wanted to

kill myself

after a guilt tripping lecture

from you.


You have the power to destroy me

or, even worse,

make me destroy myself.


I used to think I’d be free

after your death.

But the nagging voice in my head

and the constant dread

of everything shattering

without warning,

those are forever.

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Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

forget about you

I’m enough for myself 

Registration photo of Ann Haney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Perhaps Resistance is Futile

I keep trying to

stop writing but the poems just

keep wandering in

like little kittens they come

wide-eyed, imprisoning me

Registration photo of Joseph Nichols for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Ichi-go Ichi-e; or Solstice 2024

This—the longest day of the year—is illusion. 

Listen to me:  Longevity is a lie.

We have–

The entire planet turns its face,

like a sunflower, like the creeping

vines of buttercups, artic poppies,

ranunculus adoneus

to a sun that is unwavering–

relentless–in its fiery



we are wilting, melting,


away to


If Three A.M. is the hour

of writers, painters,

poets, musicians,

silence seekers,



then light comes,

only, in our


Registration photo of PBSartist for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

no news is good news

can that be said of a poem as well
on a day when too many demands and all those things that could go wrong
go wrong  do you sit down and write the poem that speaks  about anger  frustration 
tears  welling up behind eyelids  throat clenched  holding back the SO DONE 

oh wow!
I just rememebered!  I am alive! 

These simple  silly  ‘first world’ problems   no problem at all!

rescope the lens through which your gaze has narrowed   pan out and see the picture that is so broad  so rich  so much more right and real  at the end of the day 
100% of every life ends 
oh wow!  I grin  I giggle  I slap myself on the back with the tomfoolery of it all

write the poem about revelation 
speak of things that can change in a heartbeat
get on with living in this body 
in this space called home
on this planet that offers up its bounty to the likes of us

with so much grit and tenacity
all of a sudden  feel the weights drop 
let fingers trip over keyboard
I get to  we get to  you get to  so there
a poem about good news
when all there was just a moment ago

Registration photo of Autumn Cook for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

thems fightin’ words

My early morning
cough echoes through 
our home like a
warning call.
You say the ruckus
don’t bother you none.
Neither does my
moanin’ and groanin’
or my raccoon eyes
or my haystack hair 
or my last night’s
dinner breath. 
Your earnestness is
an exercise in the
patience I lack.
Your lovin’ is 
spackle in the
holes in my wall.
Your forfeiture of
anger and aggravation
in the face of my
reckless mouth
startles the worst parts
of me into submission.
I wish I could say I wouldn’t,
but I’ll always be a
red hot, fists flyin’
son of a bitch.
Thank God it
don’t bother you none. 

Registration photo of Mrs Ladybug for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Full Moon

so big full and bright
illuminating the night
such the lovely sight

Registration photo of Deanna for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Participation Trophy

The season of my life when carpool lines and spirit cards
Mommy Mommy Mommy interjects overfilled calendar
bedtime stories and kisses my Participation Trophy