Posts for June 25, 2024 (page 5)

Registration photo of Patrick Miles  for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


got exiled 
in its demoted 
shiver of space 


Pitch Black Eyelash

Pitch black
Clinging to your shirt,
The blonde
Feathering on your eyelids,
A secret
We keep,
Messily but no one knows,
How I
Not even you.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.



Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


an open book, leatherbound with a tattered cover
rests on an antique nightstand
the dim orange glow from a hurricane lamp provides
perfect light to imagine you using my body as a lectern from which to read your sacred words

you rest one hand on my shoulder
and I accept the weight of a tome
you place upon exposed dimples of Venus 

my spine pressing against its spine (waiting patiently)
while you scratch notes above perfect parallel lines
to break my concentration as devoted object
and usher my return to curious creature

my hips shift,
like a soft wave summoning a lost sailor ashore
you sweep your lips with feather-light precision against my ear
your hands follow whispered words
wandering along my serpentine frame
where you will be granted safe passage to discover

untamed urge


Gratitude Overflow

Piled on my parents’ quilt,

before our nightly solicitations
of Mary, the Father,
and each of our guardian angels
(to ensure all bases were covered),
we would each christen one thing
from the day that brought joy.
Petitions run dry lately,
caught somewhere between
my chest and my parched tongue,
but still I seek, each day,
to find one thing
to cup in my porous palms
and raise in gratitude,
just in case anyone is listening.
Some nights, my most earnest hope
is that I am.
And on days like today,
I treasure up as many drops as I can,
for spells when even digging
is not enough.
Thankfully, on those nights,
when I check my reservoir
there is always some
to spare.



It’s been a weird week 
without my car 
and not seeing my baby. 
It’s even freakier
how time gets sneakier.
It’s now June,
but it was just Easter. 
I can’t really tell the days apart either.

Some days are blurs 
as most are meager.
At times it’s hard to be my own boss
and I just want to follow a leader,
but I probably wouldn’t trust them either. 

oh well, 
I’ll just keep waiting for tomorrow like it’s Christmas. 

Registration photo of Mrs Ladybug for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


no real plans, just checking a few things off the endless to do list but not with too much ergency, sleeping in a little later, no rush mornings, breakfast and lunches eaten later and with each other, dinners on the grill, sitting outside like you dont have anywhere to be, iced tea in one hand and a book in the other

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sleeping with myself

Sleeping with myself

Tangled in soft sheets

My curls bouncing on my cheeks

The scent of eucalyptus on my pillows

Intermingled with your scent 

Embedded into my sheets

The softness of my cover

Curled gently into my hand

The softness of my skin

Brushing against my sheets

The warmth of the morning sunshine

Peeking through my window

Gently kissing my face

An easy way to start my morning

I enjoy this peace

This quiet solitude to myself

Though I can imagine you next to me

Your body breathing smoothly

Heat off your back against my breast

I enjoy this time to myself

To awake heavily 

Still under the lull of sleep

A haziness through my lashes

As I become more aware

Of how my body takes up 

The fullness of my bed

Arms and legs long

Seeing how I am only here in this space

No companionship in this moment

But the fullness of self in this moment

To not always have you there

To know I can have comfort

To wake up with myself 


first love

There I stood, with my light-up unicorn sneakers and minuscule Dora-themed backpack
Feeling the most grief and despair a six-year-old could ever feel as I watched
The love of my life, in my grade but one year older, jump into his mom’s 2003 Kia,
And leave me behind forever
Nalan could barely speak any English, and I couldn’t understand a word he said in his native language
All I knew was that I heard the most melodic sound ever the first time he opened his mouth
Even more breathtaking than the lady singing about Friday nights over the stereo
And I swore to hear that voice for the rest of my life
But then, the teacher brought him up to the front of the class, smiling this great, big smile as she delivered the news that permanently altered my first-grade mind
“Nalan will be leaving our class and going back to his home country, Sri Lanka”
My heart sunk down to my kitty-cat socks, Sri Lanka?
What even was this place, stealing Nalan from me, stealing my heart right out of my chest?He gave me a dizzying kiss on my forehead that day at dismissal, and I had to stupidly watch him drive away
I still remember him, cropped dark hair, bright brown eyes
I wonder if he remembers me,
Wherever he is now

Registration photo of Nancy Jentsch for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Very Little in Life Is Perfect

The moon, her brilliant disc lending
night a bit of light, is valleyed and ridged—

those Bailey’s Beads distort even eclipses’
geometry. The sun, too, with flares

and filaments is no flawless circle, nor
its heat even-searing. In a crooked smile,

a cat’s nicked ear, a child’s misspelled word
we glimpse what is endearing. With these

foibles we walk our days’ cracked paths,
accepting even the treachery of unfinished

edges. So, when perfection visits, we 
worship its transcendence, gather
in wreaths and cambric shirts, swoon
at Stonehenge’s solstice splendor.

people watch the rising sun