Posts for June 25, 2024 (page 7)


False Confidence

You don’t have to be sure.

You don’t have to be ready.
You don’t have to know
What you are doing.
Just believe
Believe in something greater than yourself.
In the person
Who you have always dreamed of becoming.

Registration photo of Adyson Reisz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Hold my cup
in the moonlight
sick of sweet at seventeen
lovergirls and boys
hold my hand
tell me I’m dreaming
glitter on the floor
Play pretend
find me in the hysteria

Registration photo of Geoff White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

My Anniversary Date

On our anniversary, 
a hundred miles away,
we send each other
memes and videos on Facebook. 



We awkwardly try to

get comfortable

on the bed.

The subtle dominance

of you

hovering over me,

me open to

whatever might happen,

ready to go with it,

shivering with possibility.


You kiss my neck,

a dead bedroom

coming back to life

after years.

Your lips

lovingly and passionately

explore me,

your hands

touching me everywhere,

my body hungry for all of it,

bliss coursing through my veins.


I feel loved,





I touch myself

then guide your hand

to touch me

as we kiss,

as you nibble my ear,

as you kiss my chest.


This is what I needed,

to wade in the shallow end

before we go deeper

another night.


Maybe this is all I need


the simple pleasure

of kisses and touches

and being with you,

the rediscovered sensuality

of gentle foreplay.


Your rekindled desire

is a gift

i look forward to opening

again and again.


life in torrents

watching a mind
slide one millimeter
at a time until
one day you see it has
wandered far away

jumping puddles
without umbrellas barefoot
blinded by the rain

Registration photo of Melva Sue Priddy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Morning Puzzle: I’m Standing At The Window But Little Rabbit Has Lots Of Energy 



A little dark rabbit with tall ears

jumps onto the back of the gazebo,

a weathered gray in contrast, 

and runs to the front, hops with practiced

grace onto the white rock path, pauses,

then begins running circles in the flower bed

in and out of view among the lilies, bee balm,

yarrow, milkweed, then back through the gazebo, 

makes an abrupt stop, stands on hind legs,

looks about, then takes off running again, 

loop after meandering loop, forward 

then backward, over and over. Speedy 

Gonzales. Perhaps there are two.

I stand watching, a good 20 minutes.

All that energy, only one little rabbit. 

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Summer of Yesteryear

My favorite thing at the cusp of a new season
is to listen to Vivaldi’s interpretation 
and let the musical pictures fill my mind
while looking out at my modern cirucumstances

It sends chills up my spine as I see and hear
similar scenes converge and my senses are overwhelmed
The birds outside are singing as the birds
in the music are chirping merrily

It makes me wonder where he was when he wrote
such a stunning work of art.
Was he inside at his desk, or was he out in a
field of flowers, birds, trees and bees?

As the music turns more frantic, the scene outside
my window is still serene, but I can still feel
the peace of the day, even in the active movement
of the exquisite musical masterpiece

I wonder if he knew that his creation
would be enjoyed for centuries to come
and bring peace to the hearts
of more people than can be counted.


The dinner

We chose to have the parents meet over dinner at my house with one he concocted with his newly acquired culinary skills from the CIA.First, he created a stunning charcuterie tray of grapes, a bird carved from an apple, fresh pineapple chunks, assorted cheeses such as brie, Manchego,gouda. Dad prepared their favorite old fashioneds with bourbon garnished with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry in lowball glasses from his portable bar in the dining room. He toasted, “To Linda and Jim, may they continue to love and care for one another as they approach marriage.”The entrée was baked halibut sitka topped with a creamy sauce dotted with fresh green onions and fresh dill garnished with a lemon slice. Parslied buttered new potatoes and steamed asparagus as sides.  I watched and acted as his sous chef. He explained how important the presentation of the food is to all the senses. That’s why I chose Grannie’s Noritake China to use.  Only brought out for special dinners like this one. He bought a bottle of white pinot grigio to serve. He had learned about fine wines at culinary and was teaching me. All I knew was Boone’s Farm from college days or dark red communion wine from church. For dessert, he prepared individual chocolate souffles topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a fresh raspberry with a mint leaf for presentation, youknow. Stellar! I was in love! I was so proud of him and this gourmet meal but the kitchen was a disaster. Creativity can be messy. On a glow, we drove his parents back to their house across town when his mom burst my bubble. “Do your parents always drink like that?” she asked.  

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Reassurance Blues

Last night, I dreamt that my mom
was angry at me for calling her. 
So, I texted her this morning
to make sure nothing was wrong. 
She called me “silly.”

I knew I should avoid texting. 
There was an itch on my spine
and I scratched it. There I was
typing away like I hadn’t fed
something that would raise its head

Because, reassurance is a drug 
for people like me. 
It floods my veins and runs
straight to my head
where I feel a jolt of serotonin. 

And I know I’m supposed to
avoid it. It hurts the body, 
the mind, but dear god, 
it feels so good. And maybe, 
if it kills me, I can die happy.

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Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

hermit crab escapes class down red carpet

One, two breaths of fresh air.

Three, four lotus launch pads rest. 
Five, six hearthstones laid fair. 
Seven, eight locks on the cedar chest.
No up no down no side to side
brainteaser parchment unfolds
in evergreen first kiss near
hot pink bougainvillea inside
your arboretum picnic basket.
Inspired by The Writing Prompt for The World from “Tarot Rituals” by Nancy C Antenucci and Paint Chip Poetry