green block of Jell-O
shaking on styrofoam
men standing over you
heirs of your father’s house
feel the forked lightning
burning in rooted scars
PUNCH in your belly hard
CLAP of crashed cars
smell of gasped whisky breath
cold slap of rain squall
wails and entreaties lost
This wind has heard it all
I will avenge you
I am the ozone
smell of electrical
fire in the engine wall
when the ghost shakes your head
you keep on shaking it
eggs of a grey tooth stare
skull split of spider legs
she of the razor blade
she of the naked arms
kissed by an ancient love
thoughtless of current harms
check by the blood pressure
check by the wheelchair
check ideations gone
check by the aftercare
green block of Jell-O
white bowl on orange tray
show them some gratitude
you’re going home today