They say

Write something bright, Write something hopeful

No. Already every day

I give way

To sharing the last light I have within

To all those whose light is dim

So. When I find myself on this blank page

I’ll confess that what may

make you uncomfortable

So that I may exist another day

So that when the pen finds this page

It produces authentic words

Though, often it’s a purge

Maybe they’ll find light in my darkness

Maybe not, but this is where my heart is

Who I am has often dwelled in shadows

Not where I chose to be

But I have fiercely battled

Can I be tired of the fight?

Can I please rest my wariness in the light?

Apparently that’s not up to me

Because “what will be will be”

I don’t want to believe I’m doomed

Amongst the free

But this is where I appear to be


Here I sit

Here I exist

I beg for the light just as you

Sorry to disappoint again

But I’m through

My pages will not cover

They’ll not present as I’ve had to hover

They’ll instead hold the truth

The truth that exposes abuse

The truth that doesn’t water down

The truth where I drown

The truths that hold darkness

The truths that expose the heartless

And Despite my darkness that inflicts discomfort,

I can sit with knowing I am real

Even though I hate it

I find peace in these pages