LexPoMo Participants

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Photo of Mya Sophia
Mya Sophia is a Black biracial poet with poetry in the anthology from Skinner House, Shelter in this Place, and BLUU Notes. She loves to write about identity, justice, and spirituality. When she is not writing she can be found talking about books on youtube, spending time with family and friends, and practicing joy as resistance.
Photo of Kat Cody
Kat is a lifelong writer. She has published poetry in numerous literary journals and has won several contests with both her poetry and prose. During her time living in Seattle, she was honored by the Seattle Art Museum with an evening dedicated to readings of her work. She is a former paralegal, has been classically trained in voice and in her spare times cares for and rescues animals.
Reason for signing up
I need to bring writing back into my life. I have been working so much the last 7 years and I neglected to nurture that part of me. It is time to remedy that!
Je regrette
Reason for signing up
Reason for signing up
I enjoyed participating last year and found that it was great to get my creative juices flowing.
Patrick is a poet
Reason for signing up
To fuck around and find out