LexPoMo Participants

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Photo of Zoya Abbas
Zoya Abbas is the Lexington Youth Poet Laureate and a graduate of Lafayette High School and the SCAPA Literary Arts program. She will be attending American University in the fall to major in Political Science.
Reason for signing up
To work towards creating a chapbook!
Z.Z. is holding on for dear life.
Reason for signing up
At my (great) granddaughter's insistence.
Photo of YvoArcher
Yvonne loves needlework, nature, and words and is always trying to figure out ways to combine the three.
Reason for signing up
To gain inspiration and share in the gift of words of this community.
Photo of wendyjett
Wendy tries to do her best everyday. Some days her best is better than other days. But at least she tries her best.
Reason for signing up