Jay McCoy

Bio for 2020

Jay McCoy is a Lexington-based poet and visual artist with deep roots in Eastern Kentucky. His family has lived in Pike County for generations; he grew up in Perry County. Currently, he fills his days as a contract writer, editor, and instructor. Jay holds degrees from Transylvania University, the University of Akron, and earned his MFA in creative writing from the Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University.  Jay’s poetry has appeared in several anthologies and journals. His chapbook, The Occupation, was published by Accents Publishing in 2015.

Reason for signing up:

In past years, LexPoMo has proven an effective and enjoyable exercise to move my writing practice to a new level. Participants provide valuable feedback and encouragement throughout the month, building a strong writing community that can continue throughout the year.

Poems Submitted This Year:


Participated in the 2013 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2013 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2014 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2014 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2015 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2015 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2016 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2016 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2018 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2018 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2019 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2019 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2020 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2020 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2021 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2021 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge

NOTE: Because poets have the ability to hide their badges and because registrations on LexPoMo.com only started in 2017, this may not represent an accurate portrayal of poems published by their associated poets, badges assigned to a poet, a poet's participation in the Writing Challenge, or anyone's relationship to Lexington Poetry Month, the Writing Challenge, or any other events, organizations, or persons.

To find a particular poem, please use the search bar at the top or bottom of the page. If you are a poet and see something missing, inaccurate, or incomplete, please reach out to us on our Contact page.