A young man carries a soggy pizza.
Cheese and crust is not a dinner, I boo.
Come explore the terra incognita!

Of all the things that good taste could include,
you pick & peck for Italian fast food;
a young man carries a soggy pizza.

Wouldn’t you rather chicken, barbequed? 
Couldn’t you muster clams, plate o’seafood?
Come explore the terra incognita!

How’s a bite from a diff’rent latitude?
Schnitzel, a curry, Columbian brewed?
A young man carries a soggy pizza.

Appetite, across from me, sits & stews.
Death of me, bites, but, most silently, chews.
Come explore the terra incognita!

Leftovers stuffed all up in yon pita?
Boxed about post-pastoral attitude,
a young man carries a soggy pizza.
Come explore the terra incognita!