Put on the goggles
Check out the scene
Take in all that surrounds you
And all in between
Bypass the safety notice
You’ve read it before
Click through disclaimers
Which you mostly ignore
Find a good game
Play a few minutes
Find a few others 
Who express interest

And now you’re immersed in the midst of the game
And now you’re thoroughly and highly entertained
And now you’re thrilled and totally engaged
And, somehow you’ve entered a whole different stage

Where you now get to fight for your life
Against your worst possible enemy
And now you’ve lost all your extra lives
Used up all your energy
And right in the face of 
This all-powerful entity
You muster up the courage and SWING



Accidentally shatter the screen on your LED TV
Because you didn’t pay attention to the boundaries
Clearly spelled out for you, but it’s now too late 

Here’s a reminder that you were told all of this
In this poem
In lines six 
Through eight