That classic Temple of Doom move
When Harrison was sick
that was the way
he got it over quick
Leather and Japanese
Levi’s denim aesthetic
captured impeccably
by Danny Lyons’ 1968
Photo book
Harley Davidson the
Outsiders and black boots
Racing, bikes, and
Never Abandon Your Friends
A connection
a finger bent back
No chapters, he said. We are people
in a town who know each other.
Drawn to the road
we live by a code
inspired by Brando;

“What are you rebelling against?”

“What you got?”

Fists or knives?
Gather up the men
I’ll take care of you
I got ’em under control
But we both know
I can’t tell that boy nothing
He’s What all the other boys wanna be


Racing back roads like the Kentucky Kid
Who’d rather die than slow down
A prayer and a bottle
aflame on the ends
Good old boys having fun
I recognize those streets
Ill emblazoned on an Illinois outline
The lightest Curls of smile
Big Baby Blue Eyes
Won’t take off my COLORS for no one
The father son bond no one had
returning to the womb where
I’ll be myself and eat bugs
We’re a club
I’ll take care of you
It was too much power for one guy to have
A roaring swarm of lethal lions
A crackling wolf pack of lightning
A battle of hearts
on a razors edge