clap when you land
I used to be one of
those people
who clapped when the plane landed
before it became
socially unacceptable
I never let myself fall asleep
while the wheels were up in the air
because if I let myself focus on something
other than conversation or a movie
I started thinking about all the ways the plane could crash
all the possibilities for death
who I would try to save
how I would save myself
so I clapped when we landed because
we were still alive
and I could finally take a nap
2 thoughts on "clap when you land"
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Oh my gosh – this is darling… I’m not sure that’s the right reaction. But, something about imagining you clapping when the plane lands with such genuine enthusiasm for life really just makes me smile sweetly for you. I think we should probably be giving ourselves rounds of applause for making it through more of this wild life.
This is my favorite of yours so far. I feel and relate to your state of mind and your eagerness to be grounded. Nice!