I saw I had to go down to the devil’s hell
That was my home. I didn’t want to give up
Worldly things but when the Lord got me ready
I came leaping and jumping. I fell down on my knees
And said “Lord if you will save me
I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

Of course he sent me to the yellow split level
At the edge of a farm
When I was a child I spoke to the horse
At the fence, fed it sugar cubes
When I was a child I thought I was saved
I read Revelation. The horse was a white horse
Clothed in a robe dipped in blood
His name was The Word of God
And I was the rider named Faithful and True.

High-headed people, I tell you
Sometimes it’s hard to get humble
I’m no longer a child
I don’t care for the things I used to love
The farm is row after row of houses
The horse is a pale green horse
Out to kill with a sword, with famine
And pestilence. There was never anyone
Who could save us.