you see through me
like a three way mirror,
reflecting my gabled forestry
with intent so much nearer

each angle, each facet,
reveals what lies within;
no troubles, no tacet…
just the truth, needle and pin

prick from blood, i find
map of days to go
& in this, i take in kind
for i have yet to grow 

in the heart of the matter,
to the depths of despair, 
i see the SouthEast in lines & tatter
of which i relish, i swear

so make me whole with your omnipotence 
see through me like glass
but watch me shatter & sunder—precipitance
i pass

to the dirt & to the hills, 
i langour in lush love
for all to see in stills 
or thereof:

so, see through me still,
& let me see you, oh daffodil