wisdom says
Space is needed
space and time

the cards say
you’ve been going it alone
for a while
you’ve repaired the wreckage
of so many lost voyages
with gold
“you can’t hurry this time”
“exercise patience”

may I be so bold
as to ask this of you
ancestors/spirit guides
& Algorithms of consciousness
do you remember how first love felt?
    or first love after the last one
you swore you would never have
is it like yesterday for you?
the call to be present with another being
sharing heartbeats without speaking
hearing the quietude of each other’s bliss
no questions to be had 
except this

who’s gonna say it first?

because I sure can’t
It hasn’t had enough time
in the fridge, to marinate

then again

some of the best-cooked
salmon steaks
didn’t take that much time at all

wish me luck
wish me luck 
and thanks for all the fish