I’ve never before been to two funerals in one day
but now I have
My Aunt was very special and there were so very 
many people there
She was a teacher who loved her students
A mom/grandmother/Aunt who loved her family well
she will be missed by many

The second funeral was very modest, 
a simple graveside service attended by 
a handful of people
He was another Aunt’s brother
I didn’t know him well,
but he will be missed, too.  
Maybe not by so many, but 
He lived his own way and
loved his family fiercely

Death is a part of life 
it happens all around us every day
so , why are we surprised when it happens?
Sometimes, we expect it
and sometimes it comes out of the blue.
It hurts, an agony that is like no other,
when it takes ones that you love