The garden, a continuation of my shelter
A strap around the house, the temple’s atrium
Witness of never-ending tiny revolutions
Of reds and greens overthrowing the cold’s destructive powers
Lumps here, lumps there
Lumps of life everywhere
Voting for a colorful tomorrow
Choosing hope over the evident approach of snow
Allow my soul’s tender grass to find strength
Water and oxygen delivered through the photosynthesis of hugs
Grounding my footed roots to a fruitful soil

The garden, a continuation of my shelter
A strap around the house, the temple’s atrium
Witness of never-ending colossal revolutions
Of resilience of trees and armies of beasts
A range of veined leaves, stoic trunks, alluring petals
Sum of sounds and scents
Gracious movement to nature’s pace
Take care
Listen to the quiet conviction of Mother Earth
Who knows we are nothing but a second
In here timeless beingness