Yellow dog story has another part.
Running free, checking out far spaces,
He spied my five cats. Yikes. What is A dog?
These from birth, protected felines  
With coats bristled, backs humped,
Ears pert and tails in a twitch,  hiss
Collective disgust at such a smell, sight
And growl. A bark? No self-respecting
Tabby cat would stoop to make such sounds.  

Best to be safe and fly to the car top
Nearest tree and gas grill and crouch
Frozen as lawn ornaments, and if they
But knew it, a funny sight in their terror.  

Hate to laugh at their fear and disgust,
Can’t help it since neighbor dog just stood
There almost as bewildered as they.
Such fun watching both sides mixing species.  
Sorta reminds me of folks whose dismay
At the off-key trumpet blasting from DC,
Find themselves lunging for higher ground.
Better if they defend their turf treasure
Instead of meowing their muted displeasure.