2000 miles I would swim or crawl
if 2000 miles were all, between.
Distance is a trifle thing.
To go home, I would also need
a time machine, unravel tangled
history, interrupt chronology,
offer long apology for errors
I would most likely make again.
Along this odyssey I sail, greed
or malice have not haunted me,
nor lust of power or envy,
only certainty of love has been
my sin. I have been rash
and unsatisfied, also scared
to hide behind the costume
of the customs of my culture
and my kin. Then you came
close to understanding me.
Saw me from underneath
deep leagues, looked up
from the sea of Psyche,
as if to be my oldest memory.
Over the rail I lean, to see,
but all too quickly fades
into the waves, your beauty
and your gaze.