for Kevin Nance


Hi Kev,
Hey could you take a look at this one.
Just a couple questions ?I was gonna
write god dam but I could’nt remwber
if the ” g”was supposed to be capital.
Oh and it might need some help
with the apostrophe’s’es’.

Thanks Coleman.

P.s. an alternative title is
– I Get by With A Little Help From My Friends-.
” If you’re not intonthe whole brevity thing”.
p.s.s. thank agains
—-the call goes well I think—
About your’e poem
all I have to say is isht !
No ! I cant, i juat, can’t

I can’t keep up with it
What kind of fresh hell’s is this
Youre,writing ,reada, like, A, a dam
jimmy, Carter, apeech.

Its finger-nails on blackboard’s !
Its good, its’ real good: gimme a few
minutes and Ill get back too you,
oh and no one spells noone loke that.

*sputters* something about speel xhecker’s.
Hangs’ up.
A quick look at thw ceiling and a simile
What?Me:a walking river mostlywater
the rest is stone & blood: typo positive