“Blood is thicker than water.”
An old proverb that has stood the test of time
but does this ring true?

Some would say yes,
the greatest strengths come from familial bonds,
but are they truly all that strong?

Others would say no,
found families through friends can help you to mend,
but what if they give you the wrong medicine?

“Your family knows you best.”
“Your friends know you best.”
But I really must attest.

I would say maybe,
there are merits to both due to the words they wrote
into the margins of my continual, introspective notes

Like how Mom taught me how to stand tall
and my friends build me up, not making me small,
but each still not without their grammatical flaws.

Dad tried to leave, erase himself from the scene
my friend’s dramatic acts caused me constant heart-attacks
but neither meaning to cause tragedy in my reality.

Overall, blood and water, two sides of the same coin
both affecting me and the identity I form
so truly, what is the true viscous liquid?

Not water, not blood, and I wouldn’t say toxic sludge
or would I say sweet, home-cooked, fudge.
Something that crafts a mold, maybe a new form of Jell-O?

Should we change the saying, rephrase it to mean
that people really lie in between
and neither is better, they are mixed together?

“Blood is thicker than water? Water thicker than blood?”
Morph them together, and that’s where I come from,
a Jell-O molded someone of water and blood.