You are not being fair.
Brought your cultural misogyny 
to your new position.
Let me leave you before
I explode and my shrapnel
weakens your perceived loss of power.
Too busy judging women.
Unaware their words armed your defense.
Do you know who this is?
That person I’m supposed to be.
I’d rather spend my time writing about it.
In that space I’m safe.
I’m tired of putting on a fake face, 
holding my tongue.
I lived to write about it.
I listen and watch what people say and do.
I am the Finder and Authenticator 
unable to trash or delete my memories.
I write this for both of us.
4 my words the bridge.
That’s it!
It’s not work it’s art.
Both pushing the other 
in opposite directions.
Yes, that’s exactly where
I want you!