I keep trying—
my rebellion thrives
when I’m smoking
beneath a no smoking sign
with the cautious, gawky,
leathery grin of a
monkshood petal pulled
tatty and ratty from
desk-wrought chewing gum
teeth of a reeling behemoth
at long last raking
in naked esteem this
quivering lime of a
drunken chalk line shaping
of thankless breath
and the restive precipice
something akin to the
body of Christ, judged
right on The Price is
Right, left tickling
stubs from a straggly
highwayside some god knit
out of its gutka and straggly
dragonflies dredged up
from a pitiless cigarette, licking
immortal forests of ash into
snickering embers; thrashing at
dragons revealed among
vestal smoke and the
blood clot coyly garroting
the timpani breastbone
into a beckoning snare,
all the mild and idling
cares of a eusocial sheep
in the sheepweed, paradiddle
cud of the hell-borne
Wally World’s throttling
sentries, summoning
something, a something
I can’t quite finger or
frame or forge or fell,
and nary a sign I might
sticky-tack over the
gates of tellurian hell
to dispel it—
I keep trying to write
the boys i mean are not
refined and failing—
waxing cracks in a buckling Tuscan golem,
feeding it matagot dander and matchsticks,
quietly spiraling coppery hair into
garish antennae, dissembling
quivering ostrich necks the dirt
cathects, inflects, and cuds and
floods with the flickering fear of a
scrambled addendum, a
sibilant spline of static distended
to seem some frantic fish flung
half from a tuna can, half
from a whelk-worked ear, and
all of which whistling Cats
at a public pool
through a Dixie cup kazoo
with a runny nose now—cute.
4 thoughts on "I keep trying—"
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what a way
to start de morning
not mild & idling
and paradiddle
cut of the hell-borne
but it ends cute
Wow !
this is really fantastic- feels like I’m on a runaway train!
What a feast of words, syllables andscenarios. The whole piece was like a kaleidoscope tethered to a merry-go-round.