I now believe in my future.
The sunlight from my window trickles in. I smile as I slowly remember I’m not supposed to be here.
The hand grasped around my neck slowly gets tighter, progressively stronger. Advancing into my final moments of life, my eyes roll back. It lets go and pronounces it’s thoughts onto my own as a joke. Anxiety has come into my life for another stroll. On a whim it’s back again…ready to seize me as it’s unexpected victim. Running back into the chaos of fear, it’s black and I can hear the screams again. Oh please, make them stop…they’re so loud. The sunlight shifts to rain. The screams turn into pours. You’re meaning to stand there and tell me this is normal? A part of growing up? Back to the past, December. The pouring rain turns into teardrops in my eyes as I’m writing my goodbye note. Now as I stand here smiling in June, I’m happy to be alive. Life is beautiful.