In a Perfect World
Something my husband said
to me you live in a perfect world
and it almost doesn’t matter any-
more that he used those words
about something as inconsequential
as me pouring hot water on weeds
between pavers and having it occur
to me that perhaps we need to hire
someone to rework the mortar instead
his response is I must live
in a perfect world so I started
an outloud list where every bullet
point in the air between us be-
came an anaphora if I lived
in a perfect world and soon
there was a trail behind him
as he left the room.
5 thoughts on "In a Perfect World"
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there was a trail behind him
as he left the room.
I should have posted an asterisk below the poem to say I wrote this in two minutes so I could post before midnight. Lol! My brain’s been frozen of late, so anything I can do to loosed things up…
i mean this as a compliment:
this reads like a IRL anniversary card.. 🙂
I love the anaphora/bullet connection and the open ending. Well done!