The heat emanates from sun and street
Heating scalp and soles
In the absence of shade
I am warmed above and below

The atmosphere has grown thick and humid
The scent of fried food and sweetness fills the air
A band plays on a portable stage
It’s time for the summer fair

The crowds gather, and just like atoms
Exposed to radiant heat
The people excitedly move
From rides, to treats, to streets

While I may endure for a while
I’m dreaming of retreat
I’ll take the next bus out of town
The greenwood, I’d gladly greet

I’d rather be found in the cool of shade
By fresh, bubbling brook
Alone, or with a few friends,
Known by our bare toes and books

The June sun still peeks through trees
But here it’s not as harsh
We slow to nature’s pace
And peace, she does impart