Madame Light tells time
Sir Darkness is a hard dude to befriend
I’ve seen glorious sunrise explosions orange, magenta, purple/pink and saffron
Pacific Ocean swirled and alchemized into a shimmering turquoise morn

Danced with darkness
Sided with dubious deceptions
Hid out in the cavities of my heavy chest
Been massaged into submission by fatiguing habits posing as friends 

I can speak sharp-tongued lingo when shoved and squeezed into tight compromising corners
I can bark when saturated in unclear expectations
I can humbly crawl to Ho’oponpono Prayer washing the wrath of a too hothead

Miss Nature home of river rocks scorpions orchids cacti and Redwoods
Calmer of spirits soothsayer of dark days and light nights
Sorcerer of oracle wisdom poured generously in silence

Meditation walks gently from unreal dis-traction to vibrating truth
Constantly humming Oneness to calm a rabid heart’s need to prove 

Awareness of sounds heighten
A train’s warning blare shakes sleepy locals as it barrels through town
Faintly receding as it heads north to San Francisco

Yet breath’s oneness, abandoned too many times during a wakeful day
Automatically pilots a tired body lying in the midst of a dream filled night