Mortimer Mortimer
You came to the clock shop seeking love
       and wanting to offer the gift to time
An engraved pocketwatch was to be
      the engagement gift for your intended bride
You wanted to bring happiness and love – and you did
You wanted to give – and recieve – and you did
but before the wedding, your beloved one dies
      and time was cut short
Oh death, if we could see you as a loving companion
      offering love and companionship  
      perhaps we would look upon you differently
For love doesn’t end when our mortal bodies die
      Love lives on
The wise Grandfather clock advises,
     “Just becasue someting ends
      doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success.”

Pictures in frames reveal the smiling faces
     of those who are no longer physically present
Oh! How you were loved when your
     presence was tangible and comforting
Now you are gone
      But not forgotten
Your faces still bring joy as well as tears

How nostalgic it is to recall moments 
      when time seemed to stand still
         and a smile or wordless hug
           made everything right
Memories remain,  and our minds are
filled with memorible moments that were
             like grains of sand 
                  they passed 
   through the hourglass of life

 Memories are now the priceless
      remiders of the gifts of
             love and time