I tell you 
I love you 
All day long
I have no idea 
Where the I love you’s go,
but I say them anyway.
I watch your brothers and sisters 
Trace your outline in, in every room 
Especially on cold, still days
Like today–
I hope you can hear me.
I hope you can feel within me
That you live forever
In the forefront
of this crack in my heart, 
Maybe that’s really “what’s wrong “
with me? 
Maybe, that’s why “it’s normal” 
Is the constant I keep hearing?
There should be a name for parents
Who have to go on existing 
For the people they love on this earth
Yet they long for a warmth of being held 
In a place where only you exist
Its a hard and fine line
To be walking and balancing on everyday
All amongst the living
I think it does have a name, 
it’s just called grief. 
It’s just that no one tells you…
No one prepares you 
For the length of time 
You have to endure it.
Maybe that should have a name?