Nighttime Ambience
I can hear a cat mewling, looking for life but finding only darkness.
Deep, muffled voices argue in someone else’s driveway.
An infant howls. My father snores.
A train barrels forth on the tracks across town, mindless of the hour.
Is that a car alarm or the sirens from my nightmares?
Either way, someone should turn it off.
My home creaks with the hissing
wind as if it, too, is outstretching its tired
arms to the waning moon before settling
into bed to listen to the nighttime ambience.
6 thoughts on "Nighttime Ambience"
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I really enjoyed this, especially how you enliven the home “as if it, too, is outstretching its tired/arms”
Thank you! I recently read a book about a living house, so perhaps that provided some subconscious inspiration 😁
The title is perfect! I love the contrast between “Is that a car alarm or the sirens from my nightmares?”
Thank you so much! I thought those two images would work well together.
The rhythm of this, with the back-to-back sounds, are quite interesting and discordant. Powerfully and well done.
Thank you very much!😊